
VIC - Travellers Series Race 1 Report

Published Sat 23 Jun 2018

Victorian Travellers Series 2018/19  
Race 1 with Albert Sailing Club – June 23rd
Report by: Stephen Dunn

The first scheduled race of the traveller’s series being the Sauna sail was cancelled at the last minute this year due to the owner of the Hazellwood power station shutting down access to the cooling pond.  Consequently  the first heat of the Impulse Traveller series was hosted by the Albert Park Sailing Club as part of their Annual Regatta on the 23rdJune.

With the lake almost at full capacity following recent heavy rain, any fears of a weed problem hampering sailing were allayed.   Weather wise it was an ideal day given we were now into Winter. However as is often the case in June, the breeze was light. After a delayed start while waiting for the breeze to kick in, 10 Impulses  eventually got underway  in a shared start with a few Lasers, Aero’s and OK’s, as part of an overall regatta fleet of 79 boats. 
Short course racing on a triangular course around Gun Island resulted in some close racing with very little separating the bulk of the fleet.  Jonathon however was a clear leader of the Impulse’s from the outset finishing as  1stplaced Impulse , with Don McKenzie in 2ndplace and  Paul Farrell 3rd.  Not far behind in 4thplace was John Whelan sailing his newly acquired Impulse “Astro Boy”.  Interestingly the Impulse yardstick was shown to be very close to the mark when the finishing times of the Lasers, Aero’s and OK’s were taken into consideration.

Place Sail No  Boat Name From Elapsd Skipper
1 562 Hot Chilli APYC 40:56:00 J Pulham
2 436 Twilight Zone ASC 42:02:00 D McKenzie
3 502 Poly Dog ASC 44:31:00 P Farrell
4 594 Astro Boy ASC 45:36:00 J Whelan
5 545 On a Whim ASC 49:01:00 J Woods
6 698 Red Shift APYC 49:02:00 J Dixon
7 641 May Contain Nuts S Beach SC 49:53:00 T Bardon
8 515 Seas the Day ASC 51:11:00 W Green
9 106 Grubpie APYC 55:12:00 G Currie
9 621 EnBateau APYC 55:12:00 P Whittaker
DNS 626 Whykickamoocow APYC . D Marrinon
DNS 690 Live Wire APYC . G Cox


Close mark rounding
Top  - John Whelan chasing Don McKenzie in amongst the traffic.
Bottom Right - Paul Farrell in pursuit of an OK
Bottom Left - Look out Don, John’s got the inside.
