
RaceQs Tracking

Published Fri 07 Aug 2020

Hello Impulse Sailors, 

We will begin to use RaceQs platform to track our racing. some special racing in the next 12 months will be mandatory to use this platform. 

Any GPS data can be uploaded to the website, ie. from a Velocitek, Garmin etc. but if you dont have an expensive GPS unit you can use a smartphone.

Rather then taking your $1000+ phone with all your info onto the water to get wet, if you have a old phone the RaceQs app can be installed on there.

Another cheap way to do this is to buy a $49 prepaid phone and put it in a zip lock sealed bag inside a $12 water resistant box from Bunnings

If you want to use a sim card and upload data live then that is ok, at some regattas in NSW a WiFi hotspot will be provided for uploading tracks. 

Visit and sign up. 

My RaceQs Profile with some old GPS logs uploaded

Example at the 2014 Yeppoon Nationals

Any questions let me know

Perin Hardie -


