VIC Training Day - Cairn Curran SC


8th & 9th September 2018

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.



Welcome Impulsers.

As last years training weekend was so popular and an overwhelming success we are going ahead with it again with a similar format. Why change something that works!  

The weekend will be the 8th and 9th of September at Cairn Curran Sailing Club however the club will be open all Friday for early arrivals and we can work out some on the water activities if people would like.

Friday night we will organise a night out at The Maldon Hotel before retiring to the fire at the club for a night cap.

Saturday we will begin latter in the day, giving those whom arrive on the day to set up boats, tents etc whilst those who came early can tuck into a bacon and egg breakfast and maybe some private practice or a play with the DF 65’s which have become very popular within our class.

Saturday arvo we plan on having two races, the first being a heat of our traveller series. As soon as the sailing session is complete and once we are all settled we will be having a trophy presentation and a debrief of how the place getters did what they did to get where they did. Last year this was very informative and worthwhile.

After this we will be treated to some of Cairn Curran’s finest food they are famous for and hear from our guest speaker TBD. Following this a video will be provided to sit back, relax and have a few beverages whilst taking in some sailing techniques.

Sunday will begin with breakfast and following this we will do a boat display of what works and what doesn’t. Teams will then be available to assist with boat tuning tips and advise on their own boats if they wish.

The Sunday sailing session will begin around 11 am with sessions that include starting practice, mark rounding and setting up for the finish. This will finish around 1 where we will break for lunch and  another debriefing session on what worked and what didn’t during the practice session. On the water coaching will be provided throughout the sessions.

Latter in the day we will have another session available for those willing to stay but for those needing to travel they are welcome to call it a day and head off.

There will be camping available, all meals provided from Saturday morning to Sunday lunch and drinks at very reasonable bar prices. Naturally throughout the event there will be a roaring fire in the club rooms.

This event is open to all Impulse sailors, weather an association member or not. If you don’t want to sail there will be plenty to do and learn if you just wanted to join in or help out. Everyone is welcome.

As the association is sponsoring the event we will be keeping the price to a minimum, aiming at the $30.00 per head we did last year. Please come along, I promise it will be worth your while and fun. Whilst everything is being done to make this a success the only way it will be is if we make it that way by attending.

To make it that little bit more special and another reason to attend we are dedicating the event to Sarah Holden. Sarah is a young mum and the partner of one of our own Impulse Sailors Chad Fitzpatrick.  Sarah is currently suffering from a rare brain tumour  that without surgery could potentially end her life leaving Chad alone and her children without a mother. Unfortunately the cost of the surgery is over  $100,000. Whilst Chad and Sarah are fundraising to the best of their ability I thought it fitting that we can do our best to support them in their quest for a cure. 

Go Fund Me Page Link

My plan is to donate whatever we make, over and above costs, to Sarah’s “Go Fund Me Campaign” and perhaps do a fund raising event Saturday night. So if you didn’t have a reason to come along you do now!!!!

Russell Denholm
