
Inglewood Athletics

Step 1/6: Let's get started
Step 1/6: Let's get started

Inglewood Athletics Club provides an opportunity for our Little Athletics members, past members and the public to compete at Senior Athletics West competitions.

We do not charge additional fees over and above Athletics West membership fees and therefore our club is great for Little Athletics members and athletes with personal coaches.

Club Membership Fees

We recommend Little Athletics members sign up as Dual Members and non-LAs register as Premium or Standard.



Minimum Age

The Minimum age to participate in 2023-24 Go for 2&5 Track and Field Season is 11 years of age (as at the 31st December 2023. Please Note, for entry to the WA All Schools Championship 2023, athletes must be turning 12 years old by the 31st December 2023.

Weekly Competition Fee

The weekly competion fee are $15 unless Premium Membership Chosen. Championship Fees last year included Entry Fee of ~$10 plus ~$15 per event. 


All of the above membership options provide members with Personal Accident Insurance under the National Insurance Program

Registration for the 2023-24 Go for 2 & 5 Track and Field Season is Open from September 1 2023

(Existing Members click Renew, New Members Register)