Maitland Masters Nominations for Taree 2023HNSW Masters Championship Player and Official Nominations for Maitland Based TeamsThe Hunter Hockey Association is calling for nominations for players, coaches and managers to take part at the following State Championships.HNSW Masters Women’s Field State Championships –Friday 26th – Sunday 28th JulyBallina and Lismore HockeyWe are looking for expressions of interest for this years Masters for players and managers.This year is a little different with us playing across 2 different venues, Ballina and Lismore.We are doing a survey this year as masters is being held across 2 districts and because there is a lot more travelling involved and therefore greater costs.Accommodation is currently booked in Ballina at the Ballina Heritage Inn for Thursday 25th-Sunday 28th July.Games will be played on Friday.If you could please take the time to answer 5 questions regarding this years comp that would be great.Masters Coordinators
Margie and AnnieRos Sherlock