
Hornsby RSL Hockey Club


start of 2017 season

Published Tue 28 Mar 2017

The pre-season competition has been played, the teams have been (provisionally) assigned, and we're just about ready to start the season come mid-April!

This year, Hornsby is submitting three teams, one in each of the A, B, and C Divisions of the Sydney North Competition. Each team has a coach to keep them going from the sidelines - Barty for Hornsby 1 (Division A), Dallas for Hornsby 2 (Division B), and Aaran for Hornsby 3 (Division C). Thank you so much to our coaches for the hours and the effort they'll put in to encouraging and developing our skills! Also, we'll have someone new coming in to run Tuesday night training from time to time, just to shake things up.

We're still a little thin on players for each of the teams. Injury and the busyness of life inevitably take a toll on the number of people available to play each weekend, so if you know of anyone who'd like a run, or who's thinking of getting back into the game, please contact us by email. We'd love to have you!