
Hornsby RSL Hockey Club


2017 President's Report

Published Mon 27 Nov 2017

In Season 2017 we were very privileged to once again have the support of the Hornsby RSL Club.  The monetary support from the Club and their in-kind sponsorship keeps our Club running giving members of our local community like you and I the opportunity to play hockey.  Thank you to the Hornsby RSL Club for your continued support this season.

As a result of Annual General Meeting discussions, it was agreed by our Club’s Committee this season we would attempt to address the Club’s declining attendance at training by recruiting a new coach/es to assist at our weekly training sessions. Funds were allocated to this and an advertising campaign undertaken.  We were successful in recruiting Josh Kirk as a Coach who attended a number of training sessions throughout the season.  Evidence indicates our members enjoyed Josh’s varied training sessions and I encourage the 2018 Committee to expand this if possible.

This season we were blessed with three team coaches, one for each of our teams and I thank Arran, Barty and Dallas for this.  As you would be aware Dallas and Barty have coached with our Club for a number of years and we all appreciate their commitment, thank you Barty and Dallas!  Arran was new to us this year, and proved to be a great asset, he turned around the results of our third grade team from previous seasons and the team quickly improved and gelled together both on and off the field, the team out scored our other two teams and progressed to the Grand Final.  Congratulations and thank you Arran.

Thank you also to our team captains, I know a lot of time goes into getting a team on the pitch each week and we were lucky to have Virginia, Celeste and Trish take on these roles this year.

In regard to team placings our Club was successful in the newly formatted three division competition, teams 1 and 2 both finished fifth and team 3 made it to the Grand Final being beaten by Mirrabooka 4-1 in their final game. Congratulations everyone!

The communication from Sydney North Women’s Hockey Association was frustrating this year as was their lack of organisation in regards to the release of draws and their last-minute decision regarding the need to provide our own umpires was a massive surprise.  This provided a challenge to our Committee this season!

As some of you would be aware I have played with our Club for a number of seasons and I think community clubs like ours are invaluable, but they do need the support of its members to continue to operate.  I am a strong believer in that everyone who plays sport at a local level at some time or another needs to contribute to the running of their Club and as we approach our Annual General Meeting I urge all our members to consider taking on a role. Please seek out one of the existing committee members if you would like more information on what each position entails.

Finally, I would like to thank our Committee, Vice President Caro, Secretary Liz, Treasurer Rushani, Fundraising Lisa and Publicity/IT Guru Sel.  It has been a pleasure to work with each of you this season. Whilst this season at times we received a lack of support and this left us wondering why we put so much time and effort into what we do, I think we were successful:

  • everyone who registered got to play hockey,
  • attendance at training improved from previous seasons,
  • all our teams placed in the top half of their competitions,
  • one team made it to the grand final,
  • we had coaches for every team,
  • we fulfilled every umpiring commitment – thanks Max!
  • we were successful in gaining financial support from the RSL,
  • we successfully raised funds through entertainment books and chocolates,
  • our accounts are in order ready to be audited at year end
  • and most importantly we had fun and maybe some of us got a little fitter!

Rushani, with your accounting skills it is encouraging to know you are willing to act as Treasurer next season, the Club will be in safe financial hands.  

Lisa worked hard to keep our fees low by fundraising through the Entertainment Book and Chocolates and organised tonight – super job Lisa!

Sel, our very experienced publicity and IT guru, you have been on our Committee for ever and I am grateful for your continued support of our Club and your ability to understand Hockey Australia’s new registration portal proved invaluable this season.  

Liz, was new to the secretary role this year and made sure we were all registered and kept informed of what was going on, Liz always had her finger on the pulse!

Caro provided a great deal of support this season as Vice President ensuring we all had the necessary equipment and uniforms and ensured with Liz our Club functioned on a day to day basis enabling everyone to play hockey.  

Thank you Caro, Liz, Sel, Lisa and Rushani!

Jane Hall
President 2017