Cruising In Company's Casual Cruise - March
Event information
You're invited to come sailing with the Cruising in Company Section at Hillarys Yacht Club! Everyone is welcome!
To register for the event, you will need your Australian Sailing number (click here to find it).
If you are not a member of Hillarys Yacht Club or don't have an Australian Sailing number, before registering for this event, please register for a SailPass and nominate up to 3 dates that you would like to attend the Club. SailPass is a FREE temporary membership that provides personal accident insurance while you are out on the water.
Please click here to register for SailPass and make a record of your Australian Sailing number to register for this event.
If you require your SailPass dates to be changed at a later date, please feel free to contact us on 9246 2833.