Start Crewing and Helming - Sunday 17th June


Sat 17 Jun 2023 09:00 — Sun 25 Jun 2023 13:00
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Australian Sailing - 2-3. Start Crewing and Start Helming

Course information

This course is sold out.

Hi Chris (Nikki?)

Unfortunately I was unable to complete the June keelboat course this weekend due to no wind and some participants being unwell or having other commitments.

I did however manage to get Vinni Chapman back from the last course to finish up and Sergey Makushynski also completed. Both are eligible for their certificates on the 25th June 23.

Sabastian, Fabian and Lisa need to return to complete one if not 2 more sessions, man overboard and sail a course. Unfortunately I'm not available now until mid August and won't be using that piece of shit again until it's fixed anyway, as per my previous email. I'm not sure if you can finish these guys up now?

I hope my previous email has put the cat amongst the pigeons so they spend some money on that pile of shit and you don't have to put up with the same crap I have for over 4 years. I know Louise will bitch like shit but she has had ample opportunity to push this as a safety issue if nothing else. My certificate is coming up for renewal soon and I just don't know if it is worth doing unless the Club is going to take this stuff seriously. We aren't talking a lot of money to fix this boat up, probably not even the cost of one floating dock.

Kind Regards,


Course Overview
The first step on the Keelboat pathway introduces you to the basics of sailing on a small keelboat, including boat handling, safety and sailing theory. In the combined course, you will also experience and develop the theory and practical skills to confidently take control on the helm.

Course Prerequisites

Water confident.

Who should do this course?

This course is designed for participants who wish to begin sailing in a keelboat. Learn the basics of crewing and helming, whilst staying relatively dry! All the equipment and gear will be provided by your accredited Discover Sailing Centre.

Course Outcome

You will gain your Start Crewing and Start Helming completion certificate.