Discover Sailing Start Sailing 1 and 2


Sat 09 Feb 2019 09:00 — Sun 10 Feb 2019 16:00
Australian Sailing - 5. Start Sailing 1 and Start Sailing 2

Course information

This course is sold out.


Start Sailing 1

12 hours

Your Discover Sailing journey starts here as you learn the fundamental skills of sailing and are introduced to the fun of dinghy sailing in a safe and supportive environment

Basic clothing and equipment selection, sailing terminology, boat launch and recovery, capsize recovery in shallow water

Start Sailing 2

12 hours

Your Discover Sailing journey continues as you master all of the fundamental dinghy sailing skills. You are now equipped to sail your dinghy on your own voyages of discovery

Rigging of the boat, capsize recovery in deeper water, sail a triangular course, basic sailing rules and theory

Course Overview
This course combines Start Sailing 1 and 2 together.

Course Prerequisites

Water confident.

Who should do this course?

This course is designed for participants who wish to begin sailing in a dinghy. All the equipment and gear will be provided by your accredited Discover Sailing Centre.

Course Outcome

You will gain your Start Sailing 1 And Start Sailing 2 completion certificate. 


We recognise that some of our course participants are completing the Duke of Edinburgh's International Award and may be using sailing and/or club membership to complete one or more sections of The Award. To learn more, click here


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