
A message from our parting President

Published Tue 30 May 2023

Thank you Paige!

Paige Hyslop – President HDSA 2013-2023

Paige joined the HDSA committee in 2012 as a club delegate but soon released she was keen to move the association forward and in 2013 took up the role of President.

Paige has a very inclusive and conciliatory way of leading her team. There was always good discussion before a decision was made. You always felt that your opinion was heard.

She had worked tirelessly to try different ideas to help Hornsby softball. Through her leadership the association has seen our facilities improve with permanent nets on all outside diamonds and the introduction of a Canteen Manager which has given us an enviable canteen, offering the players and families a great service during softball days.

President is not an easy job; the buck always stops there, and Paige has always resolved issues effectively, efficiently, and equitably. In 2020 Paige also joined the SNSW Board giving Hornsby insight on how things are managed at State Level. Although she has stepped down as our President, she will hold her position at SNSW. Which will be to everyone’s benefit.

Thank you, Paige, for all your work over the years as President. We know you will still be at the diamonds, Playing, Coaching and generally being a great asset to Hornsby and softball in general

- Damaras Clarkson

A message from Paige Hyslop

After ten years in the President role and twelves years on the HDSA Committee, I have decided to step down from my position. I would like to take this opportunity to thank those who have supported me on this journey.

I want to thank Paul Wolf, our founding President, for his guidance when I stepped into this role in 2013. I want to thank my Executive and Standing Committees, current and past for their collaboration in the administration of our Association and delivering some key outcomes for our members including securing the grant funding and installations of back nets on Diamonds 2 and 4 at Hayes Park and the introduction of starter kits for all new teeball and modball players.

I have always been grateful for the wonderful group of people surrounding me and I believe team work is really what makes the dream work. And without the support and advice from my parents especially my equally devoted mother, I wouldn’t have the belief in myself to lead this Association. Although I am stepping down from my position, I am not stepping away from the sport. I will support the transition to the new Committee and I’ll only be a call away if anyone needs to bounce something off me. I am a lifer of this Association and will continue to support it from the outside. My only wish is that we continue to grow this sport and I hope all Clubs can continue to work together to recruit new members and build on this great Association.

Best wishes,

Paige Hyslop

HDSA President


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