Life Members

Our life members 

SIMON TILLEY - inducted 2023

The HDSA constitution says a person is eligible for life membership if they have rendered exceptional service to the Association for at least five years. Simon has excelled in this criteria. Simon commenced his service with our sport when his daughter Amy Tilley started playing teeball. As Amy progressed through the age groups, Simon also progressed through the volunteer ranks. Simon has just stepped down from the Hills Hawks President role after a number of years in the position starting in the 2016/17 season. Simon is a part of the infamous Hornsby Grounds Crew who are at Hayes Park between 6 7am every Saturday to setup the diamonds, mark the batting boxes, fill the holes, lay pitching mats and the notorious back nets. In addition to Saturdays, Simon is always willing to attend working bees, gala days, clinics – anything you ask, Simon has delivered. Even attending the fields mid-week to rake the dirt, cover the batting boxes, mark the fields. Simon has also participated in our Rep Program through managing, scoring, coaching and even as a player in our inaugural Over 35 Men’s team. Simon has also been recognised by Softball NSW at the recent 2023 Awards Night being awarded an Affiliate Recognition Award.

Simon is an exceptional member of Hornsby Softball and it would be wonderful recognition to award Simon with Life Membership of HDSA.

SIMON FITZHENRY - inducted 2023

The HDSA constitution says a person is eligible for life membership if they have rendered exceptional service to the Association for at least five years. Simon has excelled in this criteria. Simon has been our HDSA Member Protection Officer for a number of years. He has also held the roles of Grounds  & Equipment officer and Hornsby Shire Council Delegate for multiple years. Simon proactively engages with Hornsby Shire Council for any issues at the grounds that need addressing. He has lobbied Council constantly to better our playing conditions through new grass, leveling of dirt, mowing, line marking – the list goes on. I cannot forget during our wet 2021/22 season where Simon visited the grounds on the Friday to mow the fields because the Council’s heavy vehicle couldn’t get on the saturated grounds. Simon is a part of the infamous Hornsby Grounds Crew who are at Hayes Park between 6-7am every Saturday to setup the diamonds, mark the batting boxes, fill the holes, lay pitching mats and the notorious back nets. In addition to Saturdays, Simon is always willing to attend working bees, gala days, clinics – anything you ask, Simon has delivered. Simon has been instrumental in refurbishing our equipment rooms to create some order in our storage solutions. Simon has also assisted in getting donations from Bunnings Dural to support this and replenish our sun shelters, trolleys and other equipment as required.

Simon has also participated in our Rep Program through managing, coaching and even as a player in our inaugural Over 35 Men’s team and more recently as a member of the Representative Committee. Simon has also been a valuable member of the North Rocks Softball Club commencing when his girls started playing teeball. Simon has also been recognised by Softball NSW at the recent 2023 Awards Night being awarded an Affiliate Recognition Award.

Simon is an exceptional member of Hornsby Softball and it would be wonderful recognition to award Simon with Life Membership of HDSA.

RICHARD GATT - inducted 2023

The HDSA constitution says a person is eligible for life membership if they have rendered exceptional service to the Association for at least five years. Richard has excelled in this criteria. Richard started with HDSA when his girls started playing teeball with Greenway Giants. Richard joined the Hills Hawks Committee and also joined the Representative Committee to support our Hornsby rep program. Richard is always willing to do whatever is needed for our Association. He has stepped into multiple roles to ensure positions are filled such as Rules Convenor, Vice President, Club Delegate. Richard is a part of the infamous Hornsby Grounds Crew who are at Hayes Park between 6-7am every Saturday to setup the diamonds, mark the batting boxes, fill the holes, lay pitching mats and the notorious back nets. In addition to Saturdays, Richard is always willing to attend working bees, gala days, clinics – anything you ask, Richard has delivered. Richard has been one of our most successful coaches, bringing home three State Championship trophies (2 as Head Coach). He has coached at various levels including Western Sydney Academy of Sport (currently Head Coach) and NSW Metro.

Richard is an exceptional member of Hornsby Softball and it would be wonderful recognition to award Richard with Life Membership of HDSA.

PAUL LAMB - inducted 2023

The HDSA constitution says a person is eligible for life membership if they have rendered exceptional service to the Association for at least five years. Paul has excelled in this criteria. Paul joined HDSA from Hawkesbury following his daughters into our Rep Program and joined the HDSA Committee as Rep Convenor in the 2015/16 season. He stayed in this role for many years and supported our new Rep Convenor Janelle when she transitioned into the role. He has more recently been on the Committee as Competition Convenor when I asked him to help me out. Paul is someone who is willing to help out with or without a title. Paul has brought a lot to our Association – not just two very successful softball player daughters – he has re-invigorated our rep pathway, with many rep teams having an accompanying dev team. We entered teams in most SNSW tournaments entered, we had friendly games against New Zealand and US Colleges, we had gala days each year – Paul has a network with connections that greatly benefited our Association and its players.
Simon has also participated in our Rep Program through managing and even as a player in our inaugural Over 35 Men’s team.

Paul is an exceptional member of Hornsby Softball and it would be wonderful recognition to award Paul with Life Membership of HDSA.

JANELLE DUNK - inducted 2023

The HDSA constitution says a person is eligible for life membership if they have rendered exceptional service to the Association for at least five years. Janelle has excelled in this criteria. After a long history of softball outside of HDSA, Janelle joined HDSA in the 2013 season playing with North Rocks. She moved onto Greenway and played in their A Grade team until transitioning to Hornsby Wildcats. Janelle joined the HDSA Committee as Rep Convenor in the 2018/19 season. Prior to this, Janelle coached at club and representative level across a number of age groups. Whilst in the Rep Convenor role, Janelle was instrumental in supporting our newly transitioned Open Men’s team working closely with Eliza O’Leary to ensure the men were ready for their first State Championship and every tournament since. Janelle has also represented Hornsby Softball as a player in our Opens, State League teams and our
inaugural Over 35’s teams.
Janelle is an exceptional member of Hornsby Softball and it would be wonderful recognition to award Janelle with Life Membership of HDSA.

DAVID DUNK - inducted 2023

The HDSA constitution says a person is eligible for life membership if they have rendered exceptional service to the Association for at least five years. David has excelled in this criteria. Dave joined the HDSA Committee as Treasurer in the 2016/17 after a year of struggle in between positions. Dave took control of our accounts and kept us in a stable financial position for his tenure. Dave guided us through our grant acquittal processes for our back nets and AED applications. Dave also guided us through our covid impacted seasons with a logic approach in terms of fees, grants and payments. Dave is a part of the infamous Hornsby Grounds Crew who are at Hayes Park between 6-7am every Saturday to setup the diamonds, mark the batting boxes, fill the holes, lay pitching mats and the notorious back nets – even supporting gala days on Sundays.

David is an exceptional member of Hornsby Softball and it would be wonderful recognition to award David with Life Membership of HDSA.

RYAN JEHN - inducted 2023

The HDSA constitution says a person is eligible for life membership if they have rendered exceptional service to the Association for at least five years. Ryan has excelled in this criteria. It’s been over 10 years since they joined the Hornsby family and I don’t say this lightly when I say they were both responsible for the growth of softball in the Hornsby community. Ryan and Debbie started Hornsby Wildcats in 2014 and entered their first teams into the competition in the 2014/15 season. Wildcats went on to be one of our most successful clubs in recent times. Ryan joined the HDSA Committee as Secretary in 2017/18 season and has been a key member of the HDSA Executive for his time in this role. He has supported me as President ever since – I’ve bounced millions of things off him, he’s grounded and looks at things in an objective way. Ryan has also helped out as a member of our Representative Committee, always bringing a different perspective to our pathway – he is also very level headed which is valuable when issues arise.

Ryan is an exceptional member of Hornsby Softball and it would be wonderful recognition to award Ryan with Life Membership of HDSA.

DEB JEHN - inducted 2023

The HDSA constitution says a person is eligible for life membership if they have rendered exceptional service to the Association for at least five years. Debbie has excelled in this criteria. After a long history of softball outside of HDSA, Debbie joined HDSA in the 2013 season playing with
North Rocks until Hornsby Wildcats which was established in 2014 and they registered their inaugural A Grade team in 2016/17 season.
It’s been over 10 years since they joined the Hornsby family and I don’t say this lightly when I say they were both responsible for the growth of softball in the Hornsby community. Debbie and Ryan started Hornsby Wildcats in 2014 and entered their first teams into the competition in the 2014/15
season. Wildcats went on to be one of our most successful clubs in recent times. Debbie started her rep coaching career at Hornsby Softball in 2014 with the U11 Representative team. Since then, Debbie has taken on multiple teams as Head Coach, Assistant Coach, Battery
Coach in all different age groups. Debbie has volunteered her time, providing pitching coaching free of charge to our junior players both during the week at an indoors facility and before rep training on Mondays and Sundays. Debbie has also taken on the role of Coaching Convenor in years gone by.
Debbie has also represented Hornsby Softball as a player in our Opens, State League teams and our inaugural Over 35’s teams.

Debbie is an exceptional member of Hornsby Softball and it would be wonderful recognition to award Debbie with Life Membership of HDSA.

DAMARAS CLARKSON - inducted May 2019
Damaras started her softball career in 2000 as the team scorer for the Wahroonga Kittens and went on to receive her Level 1 accreditation in 2002. In 2005, Damaras attained her Level 2 accreditation and also commenced as a member of the Thornleigh Softball Club committee. Damaras has been an official scorer for a number of Softball Australia events including Friendship Series, Asia Pacific, School Sport Australia tournaments and Gilley’s Shields. She is currently a Level 4 Scorer and is one of our most sort scorers for HDSA Representative teams as well as Club teams. Since 2015, Damaras has been the U19 NSW Women’s Team statistician – National Champions on three occasions. Damaras has been on the HDSA Board for a number of years as the Thornleigh delegate, moving into Executive roles both as Registrar and Vice President. Damaras was instrumental in the transition to the SportsTG membership database a couple of years ago to ensure Hornsby was setup correctly and ready for the upcoming season. Damaras has been writing our minutes at HDSA board meetings for a number of years. Damaras has been both our scoring and coaching convenor for the past few years, ensuring our officials are keeping up their certifications and personally running Level 1 Scoring courses where possible to skill up our members. Damaras helps arrange scorers for each of our Rep & Dev teams each season. Damaras always wants HDSA to strive for the best and keeps us all on our toes to ensure best practice. I am positive our 2018 Governance Award can be contributed to the work Damaras has done.


PAIGE HYSLOP - inducted May 2017

Paige joined the HDSA committee in 2012 as a club delegate but soon released she was keen to move the association forward and in 2013 took up the role of President.

Paige has a very inclusive and conciliatory way of leading her team. There was always good discussion before a decision was made. You always felt that your opinion was heard. She had worked tirelessly to try different ideas to help Hornsby softball. Through her leadership the association has seen our facilities improve with permanent nets on all outside diamonds and the introduction of a Canteen Manager which has given us an enviable canteen, offering the players and families a great service during softball days. President is not an easy job; the buck always stops there, and Paige has always resolved issues effectively, efficiently, and equitably. In 2020 Paige also joined the SNSW Board giving Hornsby insight on how things are managed at State Level. Although she has stepped down as our President, she will hold her position at SNSW. Which will be to everyone’s benefit. Thank you, Paige, for all your work over the years as President. We know you will still be at the diamonds, Playing, Coaching and generally being a great asset to Hornsby and softball in general


GRAEME STEWART - inducted May 2014
Graeme became involved through his commitment with the Epping Eastwood Tigers Club as a Club Delegate, coach and umpire throughout his years with them. He extended his service to Hornsby Softball through umpiring both at Club and Representative level, playing an active role in coordinating our Junior Blue program in the early years and introducing the Blooz Nooz newsletter, as technology and communication progressed. During his time with Hornsby Softball, Graeme was also a long time member of the Rules Committee, a founding member of the Umpiring Sub Committee, a Representative coach and served time as Vice President on the HDSA Board. Like so may, wherever Graeme saw a hand was required, he was quick to offer assistance, whether on the diamond, in the canteen or at another softball meeting. 


LISA CASEY - inducted May 2014
Lisa has been a constant in the Hornsby Softball arena for many years. To start with, she has raised two home grown HDSA Representative players into very talented Australian players who have represented HDSA in the USA college system. Lisa has contributed to HDSA in a number of ways and on the HDSA Board as Secretary of the Association for a number of years. Lisa has continued to support our Representative program as a treasured Team Manager, from Teeballers to Opens and everything in between. Lisa's emails have been copied and pasted by a number of 'L plate' managers and her words of encouragement and enthusiasm have been embraced by our young, up and coming players. Without Lisa, Hornsby Softball would not be where it is today.


LYN SEALE - inducted May 2013
Lyn has been involved with HDSA from the beginning with Paul Wolf. From meetings in her lounge room to canvassing schools, Lyn has been a valuable member of the Association witnessing the growth and development of HDSA to what it is today. Lyn has also been involved with the Rep Program over the years, managing a number of teams. Lyn's dedication to HDSA has not gone unnoticed and we appreciate her contribution to our great Association.


ROZ HYSLOP - inducted May 2013
Roz started with North Rocks Softball Club during the Auburn era. She has contributed to HDSA in many ways through coaching and managing teams across all age groups, in particular managing the first HDSA team to win U16 State Championships in 2007 and the inaugural HDSA Opens team in 2006. Roz has also been involved at a board level as both North Rocks and HDSA's Secretary for a number of years. She has been a supportive member of HDSA with a voice everyone can hear a mile away.


DUNCAN CUMMING - inducted May 2013

Duncan has been a member of North Rocks Softball Club right back when the club was still part of Auburn Softball Association. He has been a key member in the development of players at senior levels for both North Rocks and HDSA. Since the passing of his daughter, Melissa 'Jack' Cumming, Duncan has continued his commitment and love of softball and that is something HDSA admires and greatly appreciates.



PETER BLACK - inducted May 2013

Peter has been a member of HDSA since 1996 and has been an important part of Greenway Giants Softball Club during his softball career. He has coached a number of teams at both club and Rep level, most recently with the 2013 U11 Rep Team but extending through all the age groups. In 2008, Peter took over the role of President and held this position until 2012.



Adrian first joined HDSA in 2001 supporting his 2 daughters who attended Mt St Benedict College (MSB) and who played their softball in the school team. Adrian took the MSB Softball Club Delegate position on the Board as well as various coaching roles with MSB. He attained his Level 2 Coaching accrediation and coached the HDS U14 Development team in 2009. Just to make the trifecta he obtained his NSW Scoring Level 1 as well.

Adrian's oranising ability saw MSB increase in teams from 2002 onwards. He gained expertise in the game of softball by commencing to umpire each Saturday. In May 2003 he gained his ASF Level 1 Umpiring accrediation. Over the next few years he went on to higher levels of accreditation eventually obtaining his ASF Level 4 State accreditation in 2011. During this time he represented & suuported HDSA in numerous representative titles in all grades and was the umpire representative at HDSA's first ever State Title win (U16 in 2006).

In 2009 he was elected Vice President on the HDSA Board which he continues to hold. In 2006 he was instrumental in forming the Umpire Softball Committee where he began a personal focus on Junior Umpire Development. HDSA has always had a stong training program but Adrian raised the bar with a raft of new initiatives.

The major difference and success of this programs for HDSA was the he emphasised leadership, decision making, taking responsibility, raising the self esteem in the young umpires, raised the standard of umpiring, set goals for each and ensured that they are backed 100% by a team of mentors. The result has been amazing and won both HDSA, Adrian & his team accolades within the parent fraternity of HDSA & Softball NSW.



Glenn brought his family of his wife, Jane & 2 girls to HDSA in 2000 having previously been involved with Cumberland Nepean Softball Association. On arrival, Glenn immediately became involved with the Hills Hawks Softball Club, coaching teams, assisting as an official of the club as well as helping out in umpiring and its administration for the Association.

Glenn has been an integral part of Hornsby's Umpire Development program for many years as an umpire, mentor and administrator for both HDSA & Hills Hawks Softball Club.

Glenn makes a significant contribution by taking mentoring roles, working with juniors and providing a fun, friendly environment. His contribution has ensured the success of the Umpire Development Program and today it is without a doubt, the biggest Association run Umpire Development Program in the country.

In 2008 HDSA was awarded "Affiliate of the Year" as being the affiliate who contributes in all facets of the softball game in a year. Glenn's contribution with his colleages, Adrian Rampoldi & Johnny Walker, made this possible.

In 2009, HDSA was awarded the Softball NSW Umpires Association Award for Umpire Development in NSW. Part of the reason HDSA won this award was due to Glenn's administrative skills, his care and attention to the younger junior umpires and significant amounts of money to be spent of umpire shirts, equipment and video analysis. This money was the result of Glenn's efforts in encouraging a sponsor to make a donation towards these expenses.




Founding member as Treasurer

Executive Board member and Treasurer since inception

Rep Coach Level 3 since Rep started in 1995

Rules Committee Chairman since inception

Umpire Level 1 in early seasons

Ian has been a stalwart in the formation of Hornsby Softball not only as Treasurer but as an administrator and held office in a number of areas and including Rep Coaching over the life of the association. His financial handling of Hornsby Softball affairs over these years has delivered a stable and financial association capable of improving facilities and the operation of our competition. He commenced Rep coaching, with his wife Eleanor, with our first Rep team in Teeball through to Under16 and played an important part in developing player skills and standards, rules of the competition including that all players bat and play on the diamond each game day now followed by most affiliates and again Rep coaching back in Teeball in his later years. Ian has also coached Greenway teams since inception at all levels through to A Grade.



Rep Coach Level 3 since Rep started in 1995

Coaching Trainer

Eleanor has been a Rep coach since Reps started back in 1995. Coaching with Ian our first Rep Teeball team and then moving through teams as we opened up more opportunities to older aged players through to Under16. In recent years has returned to Teeball as Rep coach training new coaches including the operation of NCAS Level 1 & 2 coaching clinics. Her experience and dedication have been invaluable to the success of later teams in the association. Eleanor has also coached Greenway teams since inception with Ian at all levels through to A Grade.




Founding member as President of Thornleigh Club

Executive Board member and Registrar since 1998

Rules Committee member

Gail has been Registrar of Hornsby Softball for 10 years. Her hard work and delivery of the competition draw each season with many changes, amendments and redraws has shown how flexible a person she is and has provided a first class result. Gail as a player also serves on the Rules Committee since its inception providing player feedback on changes determined each season. The first person to offer help in grounds maintenance, committee or canteen is Gail.




Founding member as UIC

Founding UIC

Umpire Level 2

Umpire Trainer

John was our first ever leveled umpire since inception. John took charge of the umpiring from day one, training and encouraging adult and younger umpires with his great teaching skills. Despite John’s home location in Bateau Bay driving down each weekend for competition or events. He has been a regular umpire since inception save for a brief period due to illness but he was back again and continues to umpire at competition, gala days, Divisional & State events for Hornsby Softball. We are indebted to John for his loyalty, dedication and experience in placing Hornsby Softball as one of the leading umpiring affiliates in NSW.




Founding member as President Hills Hawks

Umpire Level 1 in early years

Rep Coach Level 3 since Reps started in 1995

Technical Coach

Peter was a founding President of Hills Hawks Softball who initially umpired each week but also club coached. This led to Rep Coaching in our early days right through to now as State Cup Head Coach 2007, Waratah League and Presidents Cup teams for Hornsby. Peter has also delivered technical expertise for our players with his regular batting and coaching clinics that assisted Head coaches of winning Rep teams. He has been unselfish in his aspirations when the good of Hornsby Softball or development of other coaches necessitated changes to his plans. He has always given of his time in the interests of Hornsby Softball development and our players.




Rep Coach Technical Coach

Bill came to us in 1998 and joined HDSA as our Rep program took hold and started to grow in team numbers. His dedication to Hornsby Softball Rep program is legendary. We simply would not be where we are today had we not had Bill’s expertise in gamesmanship, coaching skills and his regular weekly Pitching & Catching clinics for young and older pitchers and catchers that have seen pretty well all of our battery players trained by him at some time and has provided Hornsby Softball teams with their battery players since Reps commenced at Under 12 level. Bill also introduced Hornsby Softball to Video analysis that has allowed players in batting and pitchers to see their techniques on video and providing analysis of their styles.


Heather James - for her contribution to the canteen since our inception as an association


Peter James - for his contribution as our inaugural grounds manager since our inception as an association


Paul Wolf - our founding President and driving force in the association since our inception.

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