
New Year Update

Published Mon 06 Feb 2023

Dear Members and Friends,

The second half of our season is off to a flying start, with the Bombers Modball team securing a win last week.  The Ladies are back on the diamond this Saturday.

A few things to draw your attention to:

Congratulations to our Representative Players
Bombers Softball continues to impress with a number of junior and senior players being selected for representative teams.
Congratulations to Chloe, Cooper, Leo, Chase, Cody, Jack and Aria from the Juniors,
and Kristy, Shan, Robyn, Kerrie and Kia from Seniors!

2022/23 Finals Games and Presentation Dates
A reminder that our season finishes with finals on the 18th and 25th March.  We will be holding Presentations similar to last year, with details being sent to you shortly.

Executive Committee
For the last few years, Bombers Softball has been run by a few players and parents who have served on the executive committee.
Many hands make light work, and the more hands, the better!  If you are intersted in knowing what's involved and how you could help, please reach out to myself, Kristy, Shan, Julie, or Matt for information.

RBI Australia
RBI Australia have generously supported Bombers Softball Club as our sponsor this year.  Visit them online ( or in Smeaton Grange for all your softball needs!

See you at the fields!

Trinette Stanley



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