

Duties are an integral part of our club and ensure that everything runs smoothly on game day. All teams will be given canteen and umpiring duties. A roster will be provided at the begining of the season with accountability for duties. It is your responsibility to make sure that if you are given one of these duties that you fulfill your responsibility. If you are not able to do so, please arrange for a swap with someone else in your team and notify your manager.

Failure to attend either canteen or umpiring duties will incur fines from CNSA which will passed onto the person rostered on.

Important points to remember when doing duties:

  • Enclosed shoes are required while umpiring.
  • Individuals must be aged over 16 to be in the canteen.
  • Please sign in prior to commencement of duty. The umpiring records are located near the canteen and must be signed 15 minutes prior to the commencement of the game you are umpiring. Please also sign on in the canteen. This ensures that we have records for who has completed the duties and that announcements are not made over the loud speaker for individuals from our club.

A basic umpiring manual created by Vicki Lansley is available for download via CNSA website.


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