Member Protection Policy

Member Protection Policy Overview

Greystanes Giants Softball Club Inc.’s Member Protection Policy (MPP) aims to ensure our core values, good reputation and positive behaviours and attitudes are maintained. It assists us in ensuring that every person involved in our sport is treated with respect and dignity, and is safe and protected from harassment, discrimination, bullying, abuse and other unfair or inappropriate conduct. It also reflects our commitment to and the implementation of the sport industry principles and values outlined in The Essence of Australian Sport – principles of fairness, respect, responsibility and safety.

It is essential that everyone involved in our sport is not only aware of their rights but also their responsibilities. Our policy includes:

  • Our position on Anti-Discrimination and Harassment. Harassment and discrimination based on certain personal characteristics is prohibited not only because such conduct may be illegal throughout Australia, but because such behaviour can be distressing, humiliating or threatening and creates an uncomfortable sporting environment for all involved.
  • Our position on Child Protection. We place particular importance on the safety and welfare of children within the sport and require strict adherence to child protection legislation, where applicable.
    • Any form of abuse against children, not only physical abuse, is prohibited and the onus is on all within our sport to not only conduct themselves appropriately with children, but to make known to the Greystanes Giants Softball Club any instances of suspected child abuse so it can be dealt with quickly and, where necessary, reported to the relevant authorities.
    • The Child Protection section of our policy sets out the necessary reporting procedures required by law for members and volunteers in our sport.
  • A confidential, quick and easy to use complaints procedure which is available to anyone who feels they have experienced inappropriate behaviour. Greystanes Giants Softball Club’s Codes of Conduct that everyone must abide by. The Codes outlines Greystanes Giants Softball Club’s expectations of appropriate and ethical conduct and clearly defines inappropriate behaviours such as discrimination, harassment, child abuse, bullying, inappropriate relationships, etc that will not be tolerated. Official forms used for reporting and documenting issues covered in our policy.
    • All complaints will be treated seriously, with the aim of assisting the parties resolve the complaint by discussion and agreement. Where this is not possible, an independent mediator may be called in to assist the parties try and resolve the matter. In certain cases, the matter may be heard by a Tribunal or referred to an external agency.

Greystanes Giants Softball Club Inc. will take disciplinary action against any person or organisation found to have breached this policy or who makes vexatious, false or malicious allegations.

It is important to note that this MPP is only one step in ensuring the protection of members and providing an enjoyable and welcoming sporting environment.

This summary is not intended as a substitute for reading the policy. Everyone involved in Greystanes Giants Softball Club Inc. should familiarise themselves with the policy and, in particular, the types of conduct referred to in the relevant sections so as to minimise the risk of inadvertent breaches of the policy. Coaches in particular should also familiarise themselves with the relevant anti-discrimination and child protection legislation in New South Wales.

Greystanes Giants Softball Club Inc.’s MPP can be found by clicking here

Contact details for Greystanes Giants Softball Club Inc.’s Member Protection Information Officer (MPIO): TBC

A database of all trained MPIOs that can be searched by state or sport is available from The Australian Sports Commission


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