How We Started

How We Started

1979 - 1980 (The Beginning)
A long long time ago in a not too distant land, there were four lost people contemplating a new direction....


So the four courageous adventurers had a discussion.

This discussion was to become the first meeting of:   GREYSTANES SOFTBALL CLUB

The four adventurers there and then formed a committee consisting of:

President: Diane Jasprizza
Secretary: Jeannette O`Hare
Asst Secretary: Judith Turner
Treasurer: Denise Vella

It was decided at the inaugural meeting of the quartet to form a softball club for the women within the Greystanes area. As some were associated with Greystanes Netball Club it was agreed to use the colours of "Red and White" to keep uniformity of colours in the community. The decision to advertise for players in the local shops brought a most unexpected result.

Response from the girls and ladies of the area was enormous, with enough players to form eight teams.

What to do next?

Who knows anything about coaching, rules etc? Never mind, let’s have a go!!


Where did the hoop go?

What happened to our name tags so we couldn’t forget where we were playing?

Geez, if we’d known it was a different game with different equipment, we would never have started in the first place. We have to find coaches, scorers, manageresses, umpires and even a few long metal pipes to swing. These silly people call them "bats" and you should hear them whinge when you stand on that white thing near the umpire. Not to worry, we’ll have another meeting. Maybe there are other "idiots" like us out there willing to take on this highly skilled and complicated sport.

Guess what?? There were other "idiots" like ourselves.

Now how about a name! Like what?

How does "Greystanes Red Devils" sound?

Don’t know.

How about "Greystanes Angels"? Not bad! Suits us don’t you think?

Hey what about "Greystanes Giants"? MMMMMM, better put it to a vote.

Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!

So the story goes, there were a lot of tales about this first season. We did well, no Grand finalists in the first year, we didn’t want to scare them to much, but we found out we were fast learners and boy just watch next year.

1979 - 1989

This period set the foundations for the directions the club would take and sustain. Personal goals were reached by our individual members in the representative, coaching and umpiring fields. With a strong core of Executive Members, whose devotion to the sport and the members of the club was second to none, continued to improve the overall running of the club and thus the successes by the way Premiers started to add up. Our success rate has been due to the continual encouragement and development of our junior players progressing through to senior competition, whilst at the same time ensuring that all members retain the opportunity to enjoy the game of softball played in a sportsmanlike yet competitive spirit. Without the devoted coaching staff, who not only teach good basic softball skills but also the true meaning of teamwork, our increasing successes would not have continued. Not forgetting all the other team officials and umpires who have volunteered their services.

I hope you enjoyed reading a brief history of Greystanes Giants Softball Club.


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