
Trailer Acquisition

Published Tue 01 Oct 2024

Whilst attending the Commercial Rowing Club trivia night we learned that CRC were looking to buy a new trailer, and were planning to sell one of their existing trailers. Following that event we were able to agree a deal to acquire the trailer, given its standard is far superior to the current Green Trailer which is on loan from Brisbane & GPS. The CRC trailer has been serviced annualy for the past 7 years, and was inspected by several members of the Club before purchase. With its racking configuration we can haul our entire fleet on four our of the five racks. As a result, we are now a self sufficient club in terms of shells, electronics, scull racks and mobile equipment.

This purchase adds to the acquisition of the new quad scull, and accompanying set of scull oars earlier in the year. 2025 will be a period of replensishment of our capital fund as we look to turnover our next shell (most likely a pair) in 2026.