
Grafton Pickleball Club formed in March 2024. Its goal is to provide quality pickleball events to suit the needs of its players. The club currently is holding weekly events: Social Pickleball every Tuesday from 3pm to 6pm: PCYC. This event is for all players abilities and ages, a level 1 coach is there to coach new players; Intermediate Leagues; Advanced Leagues; Seniors (50+) Social every Thursday from 10am-12pm PCYC and Open Singles League. The clubs culture is inclusive and family friendly that provides a pathway into competitions and tournaments. The club hires two venues to participate in:

PCYC Venue 300 Powell St Grafton $5.50 per event

NLC venue is the 132 Arthur St Grafton $5.00 per event

All Leagues are run through the Swish Sports App which is linked with DUPR and records your DUPR rating automatically after each event. You will need to have it linked and to join Grafton Picklebal clubs group on Swish to be able to join events. No cost or committment to join any event apart from venue hire. 

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