2020 Team Nominations


Wed 10 Jun 2020 15:30 — Fri 26 Jun 2020 21:00

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.


Following the uplifting of the Covid19 Restrictions, the 2020 Goulburn District Hockey Association Competition is set to begin from the 18th July, 2020 for both Seniors and Juniors .

Goulburn District Hockey will be running a short 8 week round robin competition until the 19th September, with a Grand Final for the top 2 teams of each division to play on the 26th September, 2020.

Depending on team nominations the structure of the competition is as per previous years, as follows:-

  • Wednesday nights - 1st Grade Women
  • Thursday nights - 1st Grade Men
  • Friday nights - U15s and U18s
  • Saturday morning - U11s and U13s
  • Saturday afternoon - 2nd Grade Men/Women and 3rd Grade Women
  • Sunday morning - U7s and U9s
  • Sunday afternoon - 2nd Grade Men/Women and 3rd Grade Women

If there are not enough nominations per division (particularly the Senior divisions) we will reassess, and perhaps have a social twilight competition where people that want to play can.  This will not be able to be deterimined until team nominations and intentions are known.

Depending on team nominations, there may not be a need for the Sunday competition day if able to condense into a Saturday.

Fees for the 2020 Season remain as previously advised, as follows:-



Upon your team nomination online, a "team" will be created in the GDHA Portal with the relevant Club Admin/Team Contact noted on your online nomination assigned editing rights to that team.  In order to be assigned the editing rights to a team, this person needs to be REGISTERED on the Goulburn Hockey Portal, either as a Player or as an Official, Coach/Managers Membership ($20.00)

Upon the assignment of such, the nominated Club Admin/Team Contact will have the ability to enter their team details including players.  All team/player details need to be loaded in the Portal by the 10th July 2020.



All players must be registered before they take the field on the first day of play, or attending club/capital league training (whichever occurs first), and note the advice from Hockey NSW that all players who register for the 2020 season prior to the 18th July, 2020 will be entitled to next years Hockey NSW portion of the registeration fee for free. 

Registration can be completed at the following link:



There will obviously be numerous Covid 19 policies in place that will need to be adhered to strictly including social distancing and hygiene practices along with a "Get in - Play/Train - Get out" policy.  All players will need to "check in" on an attendance register which will be complete by way of an App Function, along with any spectators attending the facility.  The App Function will allow us, as an Association to meet our Covid Policy requirements as well as having a central register of all attendees at the facility in the event that anyone needs to be contacted by the NSW Department of Health.

All relevant requirements and expectations will be forwarded to clubs over the coming days.



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BY LAWS - 2020 - ADOPTED 25.11.2019


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