
Step 1/7: Let's get started
Step 1/7: Let's get started

To view the current GSC Membership Categories Click Here

To support your Sailing Club Donate Here

To Rejoin Your Club (Full Season Membership)

  • Current Members- Please click Returning Member below to renew your membership. Your Australian Sailing Number is Printed on your Gosford Sailing Club Membership Card or to find your AS number  Click Here

Join as a Family Member
Please Register Each and ALL Members of Your Family Individually!

  • Step 1: Register the primary sailor of your family by either registering or renewing (Sailing Member Family)
  • Step 2: Register additional family members by either registering or renewing (Sailing Member Family-No Fee)

To Join as a New Sailing Member (Full Season Membership)

  • New Members- Please click New Member below to join the GSC.
  • New memberships will be presented to the monthly board meeting and upon approval your membership will be processed.
  • Proof of identity is required
  • Junior sailing members will require parental consent
  • Persons under 18 years of age are permitted in the Lounge and Terrace areas provided they remain under strict supervision and are in the company of a responsible adult. Children are NOT permitted under an circumstances to enter the Bar/Poker Machine area, or to be provided with or consume alcohol.

To Join as a Temporary Sailing Member (Sail Pass)

  • Temporary Membership provides on water insurance for day memberships. This is for individuals crewing in the Yacht Fleet/RC/Off the Beach series for a single day of racing.
  • Please click New Member below to join the GSC. This will direct you to a page to select the Sail Pass Option.