
Youth Sailing Academy

Published Tue 09 Jul 2019

The 2019 GSC Youth Sailing Academy is now open!
This year the course will run over 12 weeks with the aim to enter up to two boats into the Harken Regatta held on 20th-24th November. Please see the course details below and hope to see you involved!

What the course covers
-12 on-water sessions-learning basic racing rules of sailing, skills and tactics and gain an understanding of what is expected of a racing crew on a small boat. Developing your sailing knowledge and experience
-Use of equipment on-board magic 25 sailing boats
-Entry into Harken regatta (tbc upon selection)
-Fun with other GSC youth sailors!
-Start Racing certificate

Who can be involved
-Water confident
-Over 13; at least 3 years skippering experience
-GSC sailing member

Course Dates
Saturday 7/14/21/28 September 8:30am-12:00pm
School holiday dates tba

Friday 18/25 October; 1/8/15 November 4:00pm-7:30pm
Harken Regatta 20-24th November

Please register via this link:

Cost: $120 per sailor