
Yacht Section Newsletter

Published Thu 10 Jun 2021

Yacht Section June 21 Newsletter

Hi Yachtees,

Just because it’s winter doesn’t mean nothing is happening.

Winter Series

3 races have been held so far, all in fine but cold and light conditions, but well, what else can you expect in Winter?  There has been quite a decent turnout of boats which is good to see.

The Winter series is a great time to try out new crew, systems or equipment and entries for individual races are taken. So if you are missing sailing give a winter race a go.

Yacht Section AGM

This is being held at 4pm on Saturday 19th June in the Boatshed (after the 4th Winter race). All positions will be declared vacant, however our secretary and handicapper are not standing for re-election. I would like to thank David Neate (now Commodore) and Mike Alsop for all the hours they have put in helping to keep our yacht racing on track.

Current committee positions to be voted on are:

Yacht Captain

Inshore Officer

Offshore Officer

Handicap Officer

Crew Officer

Equipment Officer


So if you would like to nominate yourself or another (with their permission) for any position please send an email to our still current secretary David Neate

If you would like anything discussed at the AGM please let me know


Also happy to discuss with anyone what the commitment involves in being on the Yacht Committee. If you want to have a say in how we conduct our races then nominate to make a difference.


30th Anniversary Reunion

This event is breaking all records for being put off. It initially was to be in April 2020 but COVID got in the way, now it has been moved again to Saturday 24th July as there was a double booking in June. All yacht skippers and crew are welcome and if you know any old members invite them too. Marlene Pearce would love to hear from you if you have any old photos or memorabilia or oral history from the Gosford Yacht Club or Aquatic Club days or when the yachts first joined GSC. You can contact Marlene at or by phone at 0421 072 490.


Winter Courses

Peter Walsh is not slowing down this winter but has a series of courses lined up which he would like as many as possible to attend. These are:


Powerboat Licence Course- 17th June

First Aid Course- 26th June

Race Officers Course- 10th July

Mark Laying Course- 10th July


It would be great if we could get at least one crew member on each boat to have a First Aid Certificate so consider this.

We are chronically short of race officials so if you have the time,  joining one of the courses available is a great way to improve your skills. For more information contact 


The dates for next season’s races have been decided so you can mark these in your calendar:

23rd October 3 Island Race

13th November Gosford Gallop

12th February Brooklyn Bash

12th March Pittwater Pursuit

Women’s Keelboat Regatta

Claire Heenan has been trying for 2 years to defend her win in this Port Phillip Bay regatta but each time she is defeated by Victorian lockdowns. She had assembled a tip-top team of locals for this June’s event but unfortunately not to be. Better luck next year, Claire.

Coming Events

12-14 June Happy Birthday Queen Liz

17 June Thursday  Power Boat Licence course

19 June  Saturday 12.30 Winter race 5

                                 4pm   Yacht Section AGM

26 June Saturday  First Aid course

3 July  Winter race 6

10 July Race Officers and mark laying courses

See you on the water, happy racing and stay warm

Penny Dilworth.

Yacht Captain.