
Yacht Section May Newsletter

Published Thu 06 May 2021

Yacht Section May Newsletter

Hi Yachtees,

Winter is almost here but that does not mean the sailing stops

Sail Port Stephens

Five boats from Gosford trecked up to Port Stephens for a great week of sailing. These were Aeolian, Animal Farm, Elusive Spirit, Kelsey Blue and Twilight. As well there were other GSC members sailing on non Gosford boats. The competition is very stiff and congratulations to Aeolian who came a very commendable 6th in Div 3 and Animal Farm had a 7th in Div 2, both in the Port Stephens Trophy events.

Winter Series

The first winter race is this Saturday. So if you haven’t entered you had better get on with it.

Dates scheduled for the series are May 8, 22, June 5,19, July 3,17,31. These are Saturday races, 13:00 club starts and open to all fleets. Hope we get a little more wind than the last Winter series.

Yacht Presentation

This is set for 15th May from 4.30pm in the boatshed. Presentations will start promptly at 5. There will be a light meal and a free drink provided. Tickets are $30 and are now available from the office 11-6 Wed to Fri. Looking forward to seeing our yacht fleet there to celebrate the season. Partners are welcome.

Coming Events

8/5/21  Winter Race 1. 13:00 start

15/5/21  Presentation Day from 4pm

22/5/21 Winter Race 2

5/6/21    Winter Race 3

19/6/21  Winter Race 4 followed by the Yacht AGM at 4pm

See you on the water, happy racing in the tricky winter weather patterns

Penny Dilworth 

Yacht Captain.