
Yacht Fleet January News Letter

Published Thu 04 Feb 2021

Yacht Section January Newsletter

Broken Bay Interclub

Race 3 of the BBIC series is being held on Saturday 13th Feb. This is the Brooklyn Bash. Unfortunately, there is no social event after the race at Brooklyn and it will be a turn around and come home after the finish. I hope GSC will be well represented again. The NOR is on the GSC website.

Start Assistance Roster

Thank you to those crews who have already done a roster duty which our start crew greatly appreciate. The roster for the next few weeks is:

14/2/21 Sweet Chariot

28/2/21 Rakali

14/3/21 Carpe Diem

I will send you a reminder closer to the date with details of what the duty involves. It is not onerous and each boat will be called upon once a season.

Summer Inshore Series

We have now completed 5 races in the summer series and still haven’t had a nor’easter. Congratulations to all those who competed in the windward/leewards held on 1/2/21 in very testing conditions. The handicaps for both fleets in this series is currently being reviewed so the provisional results currently on the GSC website may be changed.

Summer Offshore Series

The offshore fleet had an enjoyable trip to Middle Harbour on 9-10 Jan. Further races are in conjunction with the BBIC races or with the RMYC offshore fleet. Our Offshore Officer Bruce Thomas would be happy to hear from anyone interested in the offshore events, including any interested crew. His email is

Spinnaker Twilight

The weather gods were not kind for our spinnaker twilight. Only 6 2nd Div boats ventured out. I don’t think any spinnakers were set and even if they were, you wouldn’t know as it was so misty. Maybe if we ask nicely our Sailing Manager might schedule another date to try again?

Twilight Pointscore

The twilight pointscore races are being hotly contested and competition is close. Animal
Farm is currently leading Div 1, More Fun and Sweet Chariot are currently equal first in Div 2 and Sinead is leading Div 3.

Current COVID Restrictions

Unfortunately the ½ ton regatta has joined the long list of cancelled regattas.

We are very fortunate to have COVID cases currently under control however it is still important for all of us to keep it this way. So please remember your social distancing around the club and especially around the Twilight barbecue and bar and use the hand sanitiser provided. Remember to QR code sign on when visiting the club or sailing and masks are still compulsory in the Gaming Room and

Heavy Weather Seminar

This is very likely to happen on Thursday 18th or 25th Feb at 6pm, yet to be finalised. I think I could have done with it prior to last Sunday however.

Magic Course Graduation Day

This event will also probably be held on Thursday 18th or 25th Feb (whichever day is not the heavy weather seminar). I don’t think a lot of academic caps and gowns will be seen but we are inviting skippers from all fleets to attend as a meet and greet for these young fit and sailing ready graduates who are itching to extend their sailing skills on your boat. The boatshed bar will be open and there will be nibbles to eat.

Yacht Presentation

Due to the times of uncertainty we are in, we cannot this year return to our usual dinner format for the presentation. However we are planning to make this an afternoon event in the Boatshed on Saturday 15th May. More details will follow as we work them out depending on COVID restrictions at the time.

30 year Reunion

As you know the 30 year reunion event for when the yacht fleet joined GSC was one of the first events cancelled last year. Now we are up to 31st year but it is still worth celebrating and remembering some of the pioneers of our yacht fleet. So we are planning to hold this event following the Legends Regatta on Saturday 10th April. More details to follow later.

Race Officers Needed

GSC needs more volunteers to help with race management on both Saturdays, Sundays and Wednesdays. If you are interested please contact our sailing manager email:

We are planning to run a race management course shortly including a tour of our race management boats and buoy storage bays. Race management courses are also held as on line with Australian Sailing.

Coming Events

10/2/21 Twilight pointscore race 12

13/2/21 BBIC race 3/Offshore Race 5

14/2/21 Inshore summer race 6

17/2/21 Twilight pointscore race 13

21/2/21 Offshore Race 6 with RMYC

24/2/21 Twilight theme night

28/2/21 Inshore summer race 7

3/3/21 Twilight theme night – Lady’s Skipper trophy night

See you on the water, happy racing and good luck to our BBIC fleet.

Penny Dilworth

Yacht Captain.