
Exciting Racing At the Sail GP: New York Event

Published Tue 25 Jun 2019

It was an intense battle out on the Hudson River race-course, where Team Australia helmed by Tom Slingsby and Team Japan helmed by Nathan Outteridge match-raced in the second round of the Sail GP event. Around 30,000 people lined the shore to get a glimpse of the high performance F50’s, which can hit speeds of up to 50 mph.
Australian helmsman Tom Slingsby and friend of Outteridge said "I don't think I've sailed in conditions like that before so there was a lot of safety involved just trying to get around the track."

Shifty breezes and varied wind speeds on a smaller race course provided for challenging conditions due to New York’s urban landscape. Boat handling and manoeuvring on the foils was also a significant factor as boats flew around the race-course with team AUS hitting a top speed of 48.69 knots (nearly 60 mph). However the adaptability team Japan showed won the event.

"It was tough conditions, but the Japan team was better. They've been better than us the last two days, and they deserve the win," said Slingsby. "The way this sport has gone, and the way Nathan and my careers have gone has been amazing, and we're so happy to be here racing each other; unfortunately, it's on different teams, but it also makes it more fun."

Only one point separates Japan and Australia on the Season 1 leader board, but now four teams have proved they are capable of winning races, putting the pressure on for the next event in Cowes.
Congratulations Tom, we look forward to watching your exciting journey!
