
The Impact of COVID-19 on our Club

Published Tue 24 Mar 2020

To all Sailing Member, Volunteers and Supporters

I wish to advise that the Board have met to discuss the impact of COVID-19 on the Club.

With respect to our sailing operations the following decisions have been made:

  • The balance of the 2019/20 sailing season has been abandoned with the cumulative results for the season to date used to determine the final standing for the season and therefore Club Championship and Pointscore series.
  • Sailing Presentation nights for all fleets has been postponed and hopefully be rescheduled for later in the year.
  • The 30th Anniversary/Reunion for the Yacht Fleet, has been cancelled and will be rescheduled for later in the year.

Whilst we accept that not all the sailing community may support the decisions that have been made, the Board have followed the lead of most other sports and have had very little choice to ensure a safe environment for sailors, volunteers, staff and supporters as we fulfil our compliance obligations with the Federal Government directives.

We continue to monitor the changing circumstances as they arise. The positive is that the 2020/21 sailing season is still months away and we hope that we will have greater certainty around potential impact on COVID-19 as next season approaches.

We trust that you appreciate we are in extraordinary circumstances and can accept the difficult decisions we have been forced to make.

Your faithfully

Paul Gulliksen
