
Sailing At Your Club: Upcoming Events

Published Tue 06 Sep 2022

Hi Sailors,

To view the upcoming sailing events at your club click here
This weekend is the official start to the sailing season. Off the Beach Boats, Etchells and Sports Boats will race on Saturday (10/8/22- 2pm start) and Yachts will race on Sunday (11/8/22-1:30pm start). To view the Notice of Race click here

A reminder the Free September Sailing Seminars will commence tomorrow evening. The first Seminar (7th September) will be covering Heavy Weather Sailing. This will include an optional Storm Jib demonstration from 5:30pm, followed by theory topics from 6:00pm. Presenters will include:
Mike Alsop-Lorde Howe Yacht Racer-winning navigator onboard ‘Classy Lady’ and Yacht Fleet Club Champion
George Johnstone-9x Sydney to Hobarts, Club Champion Etchells Class
Adam French- Laser Club Champion and Masters Champion, extremely experienced in heavy weather

Theory topics will include:
-Boat and Crew Preparation
-Sail Setup
-Helming Techniques
-Boat Handling in Confined Waters

If you are interested in attending tomorrow’s seminar, please ensure you register here
