
Sabot States: Miles Greenwood 1st Overall After Round 1

Published Thu 05 Nov 2020

Round 1 of  the 2020 Sabot States commenced last weekend at Gosford Sailing Club with 44 boats on the water racing. Local Sabot Sailor Miles Greenwood had a solid start to the series showing dominance across the two days racing. 
Over 5 races, Miles scored four 1sts and an 11th placing him 1st overall at the end of round 1. His closest competitor Mashall Day is currently 4 points behind after scoring a 2, 2, 3, 1 and 21.

GSC would also like to congratulate Alex Rott and Jonathon Luther who both represented GSC at this regatta.

A big thanks must also go out to all the volunteers and race comittee who made the event possibe and did a fantastic job at adjusting the course with challenging wind conditions. We wish all the sailors best of luck at the second round which is to be held at Drummoyne Sailing Club in February 2021.
