
Mighty Comeback For AUS SailGP Team

Published Tue 21 Jun 2022

It was a special win for the Australian SailGP Team over the weekend as they competed strongly in the final fleet race of the Chicago SailGP Event to get a place in the final against @sailgpcan and @sailgpgbr.
After a rocky start coming last place in the 4th fleet race, the team sailed tremendously with 99% flight time in light winds to flight their way back into the finals. The team left their best performance to the finals, where they managed to extend their winning streak to five successful events, claiming the Chigago Championship win. 

Yet again a superb performance by the AUS SailGP Team helmed by Tom Slingsby. 

“We came dead last in the fourth race and thought our chances of reaching the final, let alone winning it, were over. I thought mathematically it was almost impossible to make the final race. Somehow we turned it around and fortune went our way.”

The SailGP event will next take place in Great Britain from 30th July-1st August. To follow the event, see this link
United States Sail Grand Prix | Chicago | Season 3 | Australia | Race Village Fly By | FansSeason 3 // United States Sail Grand Prix Chicago // final Australia Great Britain and CanadaSeason 3 // United States Sail Grand Prix Chicago // Australia celebrate