
Letter to Sailing Members

Published Thu 14 May 2020

Dear Member,


In light of the current crisis and shutdown of the Sailing Club I have invited several business leaders from our membership to join me in establishing an Advisory Panel to review our current direction and operations with the aim of recommending a strategy for the re-opening of the Club and its core focus moving forward. This Advisory Panel has the full endorsement of the Board Executive and I have high expectations that its collaborative and diverse makeup will produce some great recommendations for the Club’s future.

The first and foremost action point has been to seek the thoughts and wishes of the Club membership. To this end, we intend to speak with each and every sailing member over the coming weeks to gain insight and distil some key attributes that we can focus on to create a plan that will make the Club stronger and more relevant to you and our sailing fraternity.

In the meantime, could you please review the attached Mission, Vision, and Values of the Club, ponder their relevance, and give some thought to your feelings about the Club and what you want to see it represent for you and your family.

Expect to receive a phone call from one of the Advisory Panel members within the next couple of weeks to further discuss this process and glean your thoughts. This is your opportunity to review the status quo, reset the reference points, and help plan an agenda of inclusiveness, strength, and growth.


Kind Regards,


Paul Gulliksen


Gosford Sailing Club


Mission, Vision, and Values of the Club