Canteen & Umpiring Rosters

Player families are at the heart of the Glenmore Phantoms community. Every family is needed to contribute, to help the club keep games running for all our players. Every team is allocated Umpiring and Canteen shifts over the course of the season. Failing to cover your allocated shifts will result in financial penalties and possible point loss for your team.

It is important that players and their families contribute their time for these Canteen and Umpiring shifts - many hands make light work.
The 2022-2023 Canteen and Umpiring Roster attached below. This is subject to change, please check with your coach prior to your shift for up to date roster status.


Umpiring shifts have been distributed to Minors, Majors, Ladies, and Mens teams.


Canteen shifts have been distributed to Benny Ball, Teeball, and Modball teams.


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