
Winter Masters Coaching Course – Call for interest

Published Fri 07 Jun 2019

Do you plan on training hard over winter but wish you had access to more coaching?

The club is forming a Masters Development squad to provide coaching and a training squad to members who want to step up their skills and fitness.  The squad will train together in small boats with a coach (Adrian Henning) 2 days a week (a weekday and Sunday).  Squad members will also get a training program to encourage them to train 4-5 days a week.

The program is open to all comers who are:

  • Masters rowers;
  • not currently committed to train in a Yarra crew; and
  • keen to train around 4 times a week from July till October (at least 2 x on the water with a coach in small boats).

Text Nick Galea (0436 360 131) or Nigel Brown (0497 641 894) if you think you are interested in joining.