
Sydney Fish Markets - DA Submission

Published Fri 18 Oct 2019

This week the Government has submitted the State Significant Development Application (DA) to the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment.

The DAs are now on exhibition until Wednesday 13 November 2019.  We have 4 weeks to put in a submission.  We have assembled a project team to coordinate our submission including member volunteers and committee members and we are coordinating with Rowing NSW, SUBC and other recreational water users.

We haven’t started looking through submission requirements, so we can’t rule out asking for more help, so keep an eye out.

One request, please go for a row around 7:30am on Thursday 24 October (next Thursday).  The new Sydney Fish Markets CEO will be down at the sheds to meet with GRC and others.  It’s always good to show how many members we have got and how active we are on the water.

If you want to have a closer look at what the development will look like, this is their summary document of the DA here.  The actual DA portal is here: