
New Sydney Fishmarkets Construction - Update

Published Thu 10 Jun 2021

New Sydney Fishmarkets Construction

This week a new silt curtain has been installed around the construction site for the new fish markets. It is located only about 30 metres from our pontoon.

The original design had it closer, at about 20 metres but we continue to work with Multiplex, the construction company, who took note of our concerns and were able to amend their plan.

This silt curtain is more substantial than the previous one and will be held in place by piles that have been installed, again close to the pontoon. The reason it is so close is they need space to be able to manoeuvre large barges inside the silt curtain for the duration of construction - about 3 years.

The two large piles off the end of the pontoon are for the ‘gate’ to provide access to the enclosed area. Large barges and various work boats will enter and exit through these gates.

We have been advised there will be about 3 to 4 large barge movements per week for the next 3 months while the remaining 400 odd piles are removed, test piling is done and much of the remaining seawall us rebuilt.

What does this mean for us?

Work onsite commences at 7am Monday to Saturday.

This means there may be large barges and other work boats passing very close to the pontoon at one of our peak times. We have been assured that the crews of these boats will be looking out for us, but if it’s a large barge or powered boat, you must give way to it, which may mean waiting until you have clear access to the pontoon. You must not get in the way of a large barge.

Similarly, when leaving the pontoon, you will now need to take extra care to stay away from the silt curtain.

When doing laps, you now need to stop and turn earlier. You should try to stay at least 30 metres from the silt curtain.

The new silt curtain also makes it much harder for the outriggers to get in and out of their corner. They will need to pass between the pontoon and silt curtain. Please do everything you can to assist them.

As always, and probably more importantly than ever, ensure you wear high visibility clothing and have bright lights, preferably flashing.

If you have any questions or comments, please talk to Mark Tietjen