
Limited Re-Opening of GRC

Published Tue 19 May 2020

After the partial lifting in restrictions that was announced on 10 May 2020 by the NSW Premier, and after confering with RNSW adn other clubs we re-opening for a trial 2 week, beginning next Wednesday 20 May.

This is strictly a limited reopening, as follows:

  • Rowing is open to experienced 1x single scullers only who are approved by the Captain
  • It is preferable that you use your own boat and oars. If you don’t have your own equipment, and you are approved to row, the Captain (Brad) will allocate you a boat and oars.
  • There will be specific allocated rowing time slots, and a Google sheet where you must sign up for the sessions.  Spots will necessarily be limited so you will not be rowing each day.
  • There will be strict controls around social distancing, hygiene, number of people getting in and out of the shed, and absolutely no hanging around the shed before or after rowing. You must comply with these protocols.
  • There will be no coaching tinnies during this trial period.
  • Upstairs in the shed remains off limits.

One objective of the trial is to see whether the guidelines we have set work to ensure social distancing when getting on and off the water.  Following the trial, and government restrictions permitting, we hope to widen the numbers of people able to row from the sheds.

If you are interested in being part of this pilot reopening, please email Brad AND Fran.



If you have any other questions in relation to the closure of the Club, please direct them to