
Lights and reflective clothing

Published Fri 16 Aug 2019

It's great to see so many members taking their safety seriously, using bright lights and wearing appropriate gear.

A reminder for everyone of the importance of being seen on the water, especially after the recent extremely serious incident in the Bay.  There are still a number of crews each morning going out, all wearing dark clothing, with no reflective material.  It's a big risk – to you, to your crew and to other users of the Bay.

Make sure you have bright lights and wear bright reflective clothing.

Lights can be sourced online or at Whitworths stores. Tie them on or secure them in some way to the boat, even if they have suction caps, or they could be a short-lived purchase. And your lights need to be bright - if they are not, buy new batteries for them.

There are many places to get reflective clothing. Cycling gear often does the trick. It's not just about being bright or light coloured – having reflective strips on the clothing is what catches the light and makes us stand out well.  There are a couple of links below to a store that has a lot of reflective gear – it's expensive, and there are no doubt other sites or shops you can find to buy this type of clothing.

Row safely!