
GRC Weekly Update for 9 October 2020

Published Mon 12 Oct 2020

In this week’s update


  1. Current GRC COVID Rules - Changes in Red
  2. Upcoming Regattas
  3. Free High Viz Hats
  4. Key Contacts and Documents



Current GRC COVID Rules - Changes in Red

1. Write your name in the diary every time you are at the club for any reason

This is our legal COVID register for contact tracing. If you are at the club for any reason (coaching, gym, erg, socialising, running errands, etc) put your name and time in the book.

2. Maximum of 10 people per bay

Be considerate of others. Move in and out of the bays quickly. If rowing an 8+ consider moving it to the grassed area for set up to allow others to use the bay.

3. Maximum of 8 people upstairs

4. Maximum of 6 people using the upstairs exercise equipment

5. Rowing equipment: Wash down boats and oars with soapy water after every use.

6. Gym equipment: Sanitize before and after each use.

7. Coxed boats (8+, 4+) are able to be rowed

  1. Eights can be rowed at normal times
  2. Cox must wear a mask
  3. Cox must sanitise the cox box and cables


Upcoming Regattas



  1. Entries to by the Friday of the week before the regatta, i.e. minimum of 8 days prior.
  2. Have sufficient funds in your race fee account or you will not be entered. If in doubt contact


Free High Viz Hats

As noted in other Updates, being visible on the water is a very important part of staying safe in the Bay. Members are responsible for ensuring they row in clothing that is easily visible but to assist the club has purchased a number of high viz hats.

Members will be given one hat each at no charge. Please see Brad ( or Mark T ( to get yours.

From now on, you are expected to wear this or a similar easy to see hat when rowing.

Key contacts and documents: