
GRC Weekly Update for 7 May 2021

Published Fri 07 May 2021

This Week’s Highlights

  1. COVID Update - Don’t Linger Upstairs + QR Code
  2. New Buckets and Cleaning Sponges
  3. End of Season Party - Date Change to 19 June - Reminder
  4. Moving In and Out of the Shed -  Reminder
  5. Lights - I can’t believe we have to say this again! - Reminder
  6. Upcoming Regattas
  7. Boats Out of Action
  8. Current GRC COVID Rules
  9. Key Contacts and Documents


COVID Update - Don’t Linger Upstairs + QR Code

Unless you’ve been living under a rock you know about yesterday’s tightening of restriction following two cases of community transmission.

QR code check in is still a requirement. Check. In. People.

While technically we don’t need to make any changes to our COVID rules we are encouraging people to:

  • Not use the gym equipment upstairs
  • Not linger upstairs.
  • Try to have as few people upstairs as possible

This advice can change at any time but we will probably reassess on Monday when new announcements are likely to be made.


New Buckets and Cleaning Sponges

You’ll see some new buckets and cleaning sponges in the bay for washing boats.

Please rinse, ring and place sponges back in the BLUE bucket when you’ve washed your boat so they don’t get smelly and horrible.


End of Season Party - Date Change to 19 June - Reminder

Due to a potential clash with the Glebe JB Sharp we’ve moved the end of season get together to 19 June.

Please save the date and there will be updates to follow.

Volunteers - if partying is your thing - volunteer to help out.  🥳🎉🥳🎉

Please email


Moving In and Out of the Shed - Reminder

As member numbers increase so do the number of times boats are used, with many commonly being rowed multiple times in a day.

We have a relatively new and high spec fleet at GRC. Just check around the other clubs next time you’re at a regatta to see just how good we have it.

However, if we wish to keep the fleet in good order we need to take care of it properly.

It’s not difficult, it just takes a couple of minutes and a little care:

  • Take care moving in and out of the racks and shed. Scratching hulls on riggers, dents and scrapes are all avoidable.
  • Wash boats down properly and carefully after use.
  • Report, or better yet, fix issues you find as soon as you get off the water.

Don’t put a boat away in a condition you would not be happy receiving it.


Lights - I can’t believe we have to say this again! - Reminder

For goodness sake people - rowing sculls are small and fragile. Ferries, barges, fishing boats, super yachts, small yachts are big and dangerous.

If they come together you will be the worse for it.

  • If it’s dark when you go out in the morning: put on lights
  • If might be dark when you come back in the evening: put on lights
  • If you think it’s a bit smokey, hazy, overcast, whatever: put on lights.

And make sure they’re bright.

A dodgy old light with a 90% dead battery might be technically compliant but it ain’t going to help the conversation with your family.


Upcoming Regattas

Entries: to by the Friday of the week before the regatta, i.e. minimum of 8 days prior.

Race fees: Have sufficient funds in your race fee account or you will not be entered. If in doubt contact Top up your account: PayPal/Credit Card or Direct Deposit


Boats Out of Action

The following boats are out of action at present:

  • Mark Mckeown
  • Ken Main

Fill out the Incident/Maintenance Report Form for ANY issue, ANY boat, ANY time.


Current GRC COVID Rules

1. Mandatory Check-in by QR Code or book

Ensure you sign-in with the Service NSW QR Code if you are in the shed for any reason.

If you go on the water you still need to write your name and boat into the book.

2. Rowing equipment: Wash down boats and oars with soapy water after every use.

3. Gym equipment: Sanitize before and after each use.


Key Contacts and Documents

Take the GRC Knowledge test