
GRC Weekly Update for 6 August 2021

Published Fri 06 Aug 2021

This Week’s Highlights

  1. Video Update from the Captain: Video Link
  2. AGM 29 August at 10am via Zoom - Register Here
  3. GRC: 20 x 20 Challenge - Weekly Awards
  4. Online Train Together: New Sessions
  5. Regattas
  6. Events
  7. Boats Out of Action
  8. Key Contacts and Documents


Video Update from the Captain: Video Link

Nick shares opportunities in the next few months to get fit, stay engaged with the club and get ready for next season:

  • Ergoing at the sheds from August
  • Single sculling from September
  • The online train-together program
  • Indoor (virtual) regatta season
  • Benchmark testing for the new season

NB: Nick mentions the AGM date incorrectly - it’s actually Sunday 29 August!


AGM 29 August at 10am via Zoom - Register Here and Now!

This year’s AGM is being held via Zoom, ‘coz, you know, COVID.

So we can confirm attendance and count votes to abide by the constitution all attendees need to register.

To attend you must also be a fully financial member. Renew now: Membership Renewal


GRC: 20 x 20 Challenge - Weekly Awards

One day to go on the "20 minutes by 20 days" challenge.

This week’s awards:

  • Best / most honest excuse: Micah “hungover allday”
  • Most attended online training: Nick’s Sunday Strength and Core
  • Most consistent: Kate no missed days, no cheat days👍👍 (Walking the dog?!? Really, Adam? 😀)

Check out everyone’s progress: 20x20 Challenge.

Thanks to Nick, Micah, Fran and Julia for leading virtual sessions.


Online Train Together: New Sessions

Fran, Nick, Micah, and Julia are all running live on-line sessions this week to keep you moving and motivated. Thank you.

Here are the session links:

  • Monday 6:30pm - 7:30pm - Cardio (Micah) Join Here
  • Tuesday 5:30pm - 6:30pm -Low Impact, Mobility (Fran) Join Here
  • Wednesday 7:00am - 7:45am - Strength and Core (Nick) Join Here
  • Thursday 7:15am - 8:00am - Yoga (Julia) Join Here
  • Saturday 8:00am - 9:00am - Erg training (Nick) Join Here
  • Saturday 9:30am - 10:30am - Low Impact, Mobility (Fran) Join Here
  • Sunday 7:00am - 7:45am  - Strength and Core (Nick) Join Here

Text Nick Galea (0436 360 131) if interested or having trouble with the link.


Current GRC COVID Rules - Shed is Closed Until Further Notice

Stay well and get as much activity as you can.

Want to improve your technique? Check out the highlight footage from the Olympics.

They remind us that anyone can catch a crab, finish in a different lane than you started in and, yes, even capsize.

Just don’t take any tips from the winners of the Mens Lightweight 2x. 😲



Entries: to the Regatta Secretary by the Friday of the week before the regatta, i.e. minimum of 8 days prior.  For Indoor Regattas, register individually here.

Race fees: Have sufficient funds in your race fee account or you will not be entered. If in doubt, contact the Treasurer. Top up your account: PayPal/Credit Card or Direct Deposit




Boats Out of Action

The following boats are out of action:

  • None

All of our boats are fragile, however the following need extra care:

  • Ken Main
  • Hughie Williamson
  • Reg Stride
  • Charlie Smith



Key Contacts and Documents

Link to: Key Contacts and Documents

Take the GRC Knowledge test

Fill out the Incident/Maintenance Report Form for ANY issue, ANY boat, ANY time.