
GRC Weekly Update for 28 August 2020

Published Mon 31 Aug 2020

In this week’s update

  1. COVID Safe Rules Update
  2. Upcoming Regattas
  3. LTR Volunteers
  4. Introduction to the New Cable Gym equipment
  5. Decent Rowing - Club Access: Reminder
  6. Cardio-Metabolic (Fitness) Testing at GRC - 5 September: Last Chance

COVIDSafe Rules Update

There have been changes and updates over the last few months. Here are the current requirements:

1. Write your name in the diary every time you are at the club for any reason

This is our legal COVID register for use if contact tracing is required. It’s not just for on-water activities. If you are at the club for any reason (coaching, gym, erg, socialising, running errands, etc) put your name and time in the book.

2. Maximum of 6 people per bay

If you arrive and there are already six people in the bay, wait for a few minutes outside. If you are in the bay, don’t dawdle. Move out as soon as you can.

3. Maximum of 8 people upstairs

4. Maximum of 6 people using the upstairs exercise equipment

5. Rowing equipment: Wash down boats and oars with soapy water after every use.

6. Gym equipment: Sanitize before and after each use

Upcoming regattas

Check the notice board in the shed for more details.

Have your entries to one week before the regatta date.


LTR Volunteers (Starting 6 of September)

Thank you to Tony Rogers, Nigel Brown, Frances Clark, Selena Steele, Reya Ramanujachari, Jo Duncan-Nagy and Briana Wade for offering to support the next Learn to Row course.

Also, thank you to those repeat supporters who offered again but were kindly declined by Fran as they have helped out with LTR many times before.

We still need one or two more including anyone able to drive a tinny on 13, 20 and 27 September.

Email Fran at or message 0435 064 359


Introduction to the New Cable Gym equipment

Heidi will give an introduction to the cable machine on Monday 31 August at 6 pm (and if there is interest on alternative dates).

If you are interested in attending please email Fran at or message 0435 064 359 as we have to manage the total number of people.


Decent Rowing - Club Access: Reminder

Many of you know of the excellent rowing education site Decent Rowing. With hundreds of videos and lots of great information it’s an excellent resource for anyone wanting to improve their rowing.

GRC has now purchased a Club License so all members can access this resource.

Login details are shared among all GRC members and are:

Login Address:

Password: GoGRC2021

Please respect their intellectual property and do not share these login details beyond GRC.


VO2 Max Fitness Testing at the GRC - 5 September: Last Chance

If you’ve ever wondered how fit you are and what your VO2 max really is, then now’s the time to find out.

Testing company ALIA will be running Cardio-Metabolic Testing and Resting Metabolic Testing at GRC on 5 September.

The test report will include your personalised resting metabolic rate (with information regarding your use of carb vs fats for fuel), personalised caloric recommendations based on your goals, your personalised HR zones, VO2 Max, Fat Max, fuel usage (carb vs fat) at intensities, breathing function, and an overall assessment of your cardiopulmonary and metabolic health using evidence-based statistical measures.

The test is approximately one hour long and consists of two parts.

1. The Resting Metabolic Test performed over 10 minutes while laying down.

2. The Active Cardio Metabolic Test is a ramp test approximately 8-12 minutes long where you will start from a low intensity on the erg and progressively increase intensity.

For more information please watch this video.

ALIA are offering members attending on this day a substantial discount from their normal prices.

The first 6 members who sign up for testing will receive a full metabolic assessment (resting and active test) for $179. Normal price is $250.

Book your place directly here: