
GRC Weekly Update for 26 March 2021

Published Fri 26 Mar 2021

This Week’s Highlights

  1. Current GRC COVID Rules - Changes in Red (Effective Monday 29 March)
  2. LTR This Sunday 28 March - Be Out of the Shed By 8am
  3. City Cave - 10 FREE Sauna Sessions Giveaway (First In)
  4. How Well do You Know the GRC Rules: Test Your GRC Knowledge (Update)
  5. Save the date - End of Season Party - 5 June - Volunteers (Reminder)
  6. Upcoming Regattas
  7. Boats Out of Action
  8. Key Contacts and Documents


Current GRC COVID Rules - Changes in Red (Effective Monday 29 March)

The state government has signalled a broad easing of COVID-19 restrictions from this Monday with, basically, only the “2sqm rule” remaining.

As a result, from Monday, many of the club’s COVID rules are also being relaxed.

1. Mandatory Check-in by QR Code or book

Ensure you sign-in with the Service NSW QR Code if you are in the shed for any reason.

If you go on the water you still need to write your name and boat into the book.

2. Maximum of 10 people per bay

Be considerate of others. Move in and out of the bays quickly. If rowing an 8+ consider moving it to the grassed area for set up to allow others to use the bay.

3. Maximum of 20 people upstairs

4. Maximum of 15 people using the upstairs exercise equipment

5. Rowing equipment: Wash down boats and oars with soapy water after every use.

6. Gym equipment: Sanitize before and after each use.

7. Coxed boats (8+, 4+)

  1. Cox must wear a mask
  2. Cox must sanitise the cox box and cables


Zooties - Do you still need a Zootie?

If you still need a Zootie you can order them directly from the supplier. Save on postage by banding together with other members for ordering.

Here is the: Zootie Ordering Form


LTR This Sunday 28 March - Be Out of the Shed By 8am

Please avoid being in the shed between 8:00 - 11 am this Sunday.

If you can volunteer please message the LTR team:


City Cave - 10 FREE Sauna Sessions Giveaway (First In)

City Cave is a new local wellness centre offering Float Pools, Infrared Sauna and Massage. Training hard is one side of the coin, the other, recovery being equally important. We've reached out to City Cave to see if they can help with recovery and relaxation for club members. Following is some further information and an offer from City Cave just for club members.

The first 10 members to contact to Bri (0432264422) will receive a FREE sauna session. All you need to provide is your name, email and mobile number!

For those that miss out… we have arranged some discount codes.

Club members are eligible for a FREE Infrared Sauna session when purchasing City Cave's Float Intro Pack! The Float Intro Pack includes 3x1 hour float sessions which is the best place to start.

To take it up;

  1. Visit
  2. In the Packages section choose Float Starter Intro Pack
  3. Add the offer code “GRC” at checkout
  4. Complete checkout process

The City Cave team will then credit you with the FREE Sauna session which you can use before a float, or on it's own as a separate booking.

They're located at Shop 1, 1-5 Wentworth St, Glebe (02 8880 0957 or

Make sure to follow the GRC Instagram page check out our latest post where we trialled the saunas!

We are building our online visibility to help support the club. Please engage with our posts and if you take a great photo around the club please also let us know!


How Well Do You Know The GRC Rules: Take the Test (Update)

No perfect scores this week 😥

But some more high scores: Kellie Edmunds and Catherine Maxwell.

Please take the time to do the test: Test You GRC Knowledge

It’s important that everyone has a clear understanding of how we work together at GRC.


Save the date - End of Season Party - 5 June - Volunteers

The end of season get together will be on 5 June.

Please save the date and there will be updates to follow.

Volunteers - if partying is your thing - volunteer to help out.  🥳🎉🥳🎉

Please email


Upcoming Regattas

Entries: to by the Friday of the week before the regatta, i.e. minimum of 8 days prior.

Race fees: Have sufficient funds in your race fee account or you will not be entered. If in doubt contact Top up your account: PayPal/Credit Card or Direct Deposit


Boats Out of Action

The following boats are out of action at present:

  • Mark Mckeown
  • Ken Main

Fill out the Incident/Maintenance Report Form for ANY issue, ANY boat, ANY time.


Key Contacts and Documents