
GRC Weekly Update for 18 September 2020

Published Fri 18 Sep 2020

In this week’s update

  1. Current COVIDSafe Rules - Changes in Red
  2. New Rowing Course Around the Fishmarket Area
  3. Private Oars for Private Users Only
  4. Upcoming Regattas
  5. Flashing lights and visibility, Safety - Changes in Red
  6. Learn To Row - No Rowing Sundays after 8 am
  7. Key Contacts and Documents

Current COVIDSafe Rules - Changes in Red

1. Write your name in the diary every time you are at the club for any reason

This is our legal COVID register for use if contact tracing is required. It’s not just for on-water activities. If you are at the club for any reason (coaching, gym, erg, socialising, running errands, etc) put your name and time in the book.

2. Maximum of 10 people per bay

If you arrive and there are already the maximum number of people in the bay, wait for a few minutes outside. If you are in the bay, don’t dawdle. Move out as soon as you can.

3. Maximum of 8 people upstairs

4. Maximum of 6 people using the upstairs exercise equipment

5. Rowing equipment: Wash down boats and oars with soapy water after every use.

6. Gym equipment: Sanitize before and after each use​​​​​​.

7. Coxed boats (8+, 4+) are able to be rowed

  1. Eights are permitted only to be rowed during off-peak times.
    1. Weekdays 8:30am onwards
    2. Weekends 9:30am onwards
  2. Cox must wear a mask

New rowing course around the Fishmarket area

Constructions for the new Fishmarket have started. Please be aware of incoming and outgoing vessels as well as changes in the course.

Private Oars for Private Users Only

A friendly reminder that oars in the private oar rack (the oar rack where the doubles and eights are) is for private oar users only.

Do not take oars from this rack unless you own them and do not move them.

Upcoming regattas

Check links for more details.

Flashing lights and visibility, safety

The commercial operators also asked that when we’re rowing along the north side of Rozelle Bay to stay out from the moored boats. This is so when they come out from between the moored boats they’re not surprised by an unseen rower.

Also we’re easier to see when we have flashing lights. If you’re buying or upgrading your lights, go for as bright as you can find and flashing.

Fluorescent yellow is the new black! At all times you should wear bright, high visibility colours, if possible with reflector strips. It’s time to ditch the dark colours.

Learn To Row - No Rowing Sundays after 8 am

LTR has started again and we have 16 participants.

In order to adhere with Covid safety rules we split the course into two groups starting at 8:00 am.

Please stay clear of the shed from 8am on Sundays unless you are helping with LTR.

Key contacts and documents: