
GRC Weekly Update for 12 March 2021

Published Fri 12 Mar 2021

This Week’s Highlights

  1. Current GRC COVID Rules
  2. LTR This Sunday 14 March - Be Out of the Shed By 8am
  3. How Well do You Know the GRC Rules: Test You GRC Knowledge
  4. High Viz Caps Back in Stock - Reminder
  5. Volunteers: 2021 Australian Masters Rowing Championships (27-30 May) - Reminder
  6. Save the date - End of Season Party - 5 June - Reminder
  7. Upcoming Regattas
  8. Boats Out of Action
  9. Key Contacts and Documents

Bst scores on the test

Current GRC COVID Rules

1. Mandatory Check-in by QR Code or book

Ensure you sign-in with the Service NSW QR Code if you are in the shed for any reason.

If you go on the water you still need to write your name and boat into the book.

2. Maximum of 10 people per bay

Be considerate of others. Move in and out of the bays quickly. If rowing an 8+ consider moving it to the grassed area for set up to allow others to use the bay.

3. Maximum of 20 people upstairs

4. Maximum of 15 people using the upstairs exercise equipment

5. Rowing equipment: Wash down boats and oars with soapy water after every use.

6. Gym equipment: Sanitize before and after each use.

7. Coxed boats (8+, 4+)

  1. Cox must wear a mask
  2. Cox must sanitise the cox box and cables

LTR This Sunday 14 March - Be Out of the Shed By 8am

Please avoid being in the shed between 8:00 - 11 am this Sunday.

We are moving LTR away from Sundays to give members more time to row. However, we have to finish up current commitments.

As always, we are also looking for volunteers. We need people who can drive a tinnie or are happy to sit in a boat with course participants.

Please message the LTR team:


How Well Do You Know The GRC Rules: Take the Test

From last week we had one perfect score. Nice work Stephanie O'Malley🎉🎉

We also had a couple of high scores: Edwina Hooke and Steve (Caldwell).

But there were a lot of middling scores, which says there is some room for improvement in most people’s understanding of how the club operates.

Please take the time to do the test: Test You GRC Knowledge

At the end you’ll see all of the answers and, more than likely, come away with a better understanding of how we work as a club.


High Viz Caps Back in Stock - Reminder

For all those that missed out on a cap the first time around, additional caps have been purchased.

If you want one please ask Brad, Fran or any other Committee member.


Volunteers: 2021 Australian Masters Rowing Championships (27-30 May) Reminder

The Australian Masters Rowing Championships is being held at SIRC this year and Rowing NSW is calling for volunteers to support it.

Please register your expression of interest if you are keen to help out: Registration


Save the date - End of Season Party - 5 June - Reminder

The end of season get together will be on 5 June.

Please save the date and there will be updates to follow.


Upcoming Regattas

Entries: to by the Friday of the week before the regatta, i.e. minimum of 8 days prior.

Race fees: Have sufficient funds in your race fee account or you will not be entered. If in doubt contact Top up your account: PayPal/Credit Card or Direct Deposit


Boats Out of Action

The following boats are out of action at present:

  • Mark Mckeown
  • Ken Main

Fill out the Incident/Maintenance Report Form for ANY issue with ANY boat


Key Contacts and Documents