
GRC Weekly Update for 11 December 2020

Published Fri 11 Dec 2020

There’s a lot happening at the club so this is a bit longer than usual. Lots of interesting things happening so read on.

This Week’s Highlights

  1. Current GRC COVID Rules - Changes in Red
  2. Brian 'Sammy' Holst Perpetual Trophy for Coxswains
  3. LTR this weekend
  4. Reindeer and Sprints Regattas Go Off for GRC!
  5. LTR - This Saturday/Sunday
  6. Holidays Traffic on Blackwattle Bay - Take Extra Care
  7. Christmas Day Row
  8.  Nepean River Rowing Weekend
  9. GRC Christmas Party - Saturday 12 December - RSVP Online
  10. School Holiday Junior Program 
  11. Boats Out of Action
  12. Key Contacts and Documents

Current GRC COVID Rules - Changes in Red

1. Mandatory Check-in by QR Code or book

We now have a QR code that you can use to sign-in. Ensure you sign-in if you are in the shed for any reason.

If you go on the water you still need to write your name and boat into the book.

2. Maximum of 10 people per bay

Be considerate of others. Move in and out of the bays quickly. If rowing an 8+ consider moving it to the grassed area for set up to allow others to use the bay.

3. Maximum of 20 people upstairs

4. Maximum of 15 people using the upstairs exercise equipment

5. Rowing equipment: Wash down boats and oars with soapy water after every use.

6. Gym equipment: Sanitize before and after each use.

7. Coxed boats (8+, 4+)

  1. Cox must wear a mask
  2. Cox must sanitise the cox box and cables

Brian 'Sammy' Holst Perpetual Trophy for Coxswains

As a way of remembering Sammy, a perpetual trophy for NSW coxswains is being created.

If you would like to donate to trophy you have two options:

MyCause page: Brian 'Sammy' Holst Perpetual Trophy for coxswains


Donations to either location end up in the same place and both will be tax deductible.

The only difference is that there are smaller fees when you use the ASF page, i.e. more of your money goes towards the trophy.

Reindeer and Sprints Regattas - Xmas Cheer all round for GRC

It was an Oarsome weekend when we loaded the trailer to capacity and headed off to SIRC. With 50 GRC entries for the Reindeer regatta on Saturday it was one of our biggest ever.

And wow, didn't GRC turn some heads! Doubles, Quads and the Eight were turned into visual masterpieces of Christmas decoration; making even Santa jealous. Congratulations to Bella’s efforts for taking out one the Best dressed prizes.

The feeling around the trailer was so helpful and supportive by all Members. Some of the large Glebe contingent made a weekend of it renting accommodation by the river at Penrith. Apparently there were a few sore heads on the Sunday morning when the rest of us then went on to race in the Sprint Championships.

Among the many highlights at the Reindeer regatta was the women's masters A/B singles race, a real GRC competition with Cat, Heidi, Jackie and Liz well out in front of the rest of the field finishing first, second, third, and you guessed it, fourth! These four had earlier won the Master’s Coxless four after starting off a 28 second handicap.

Ashley, Phoebe, Bridie and Bri fought it out to narrowly beat Canberra and win the D grade quad.

Sophia, under Milan’s guidance, had a clear win in the U16 single and won a silver medal at the Sprints on Sunday.

Mark T was undefeated in his single for both regattas.

There were many great achievements and lots of inspiration for the next regatta. Check out all the results below. You can also watch the races on the Live stream link.

LTR - This Saturday/Sunday

We are conducting an intensive LTR course on both Saturday and Sunday 9 am - 1 pm. Please be mindful of people being in the shed.

Holidays Traffic on Blackwattle Bay - Take Extra Care 

With the Christmas period nearly upon us, traffic on the bay is increasing and boats can be moored in strange places. You need to take extra care.

Please make sure you can be easily seen - wear your groovy high vis cap and / or high vis clothing. Black, grey and dark colours on the water are no longer the go.

Take the time to have a good look at the course.  Check there are no boats moored outside the designated areas - inside the yellow buoys - and that no new moored boats have appeared since your last lap.

If you see boats doing the wrong thing (speed, incorrect anchoring, etc) try to video it on your phone and / or take a note of the boat registration. Then let Brad or Fran know so we can report poor behaviour effectively.

Christmas Day Row

The Annual Christmas day row is only a few weeks away.

Meet at the Club just before 6am and row to the Opera house along with all our Harbour Bay Club friends.

Please let Brad or Bri know if you intend joining in so we can prepare boats and crews early.

Nepean River Rowing Weekend

We have booked our intentions of being on the Nepean River from Friday afternoon the 15th January until Sunday the 17th late Morning.

Crews are invited to come up for a row between these times and train as much as you wish.

Initial interest please let Brad know.


GRC Christmas Party - 12 December - Reminder

Last chance to RSVP for the GRC End of Year Christmas Party!

RSVP here:

Family and friends welcome, just be sure to register everyone planning to attend to help us ensure we meet COVID requirements/capacity restrictions.

Any issues or questions please reach out to Bri. (

Also - if you have any Christmas deco, or would like to help bake for the event please reach out :) 

School Holiday Junior Program

This month we started a School Holiday Juniors Program that will be run over the Summer Holidays. It will operate Monday to Saturdays, 8-11am each day with gym sessions from 3-4.30pm each afternoon.

The uptake has been really encouraging and we hope it will increase our Junior numbers in the future. This initiative is generating a profit for the Club and is something we will be looking to run annually from now on.

Boats Out of Action

The following boats are out of action at present:

  • 4x Ken Main - sculling
  • 1x Jenny / Mark McKeown (there is only one bung atm)
  • 1x Grant Kelly

Key contacts and documents: