
Black Boats

Published Fri 06 Dec 2019

The list of approved Black Boat crews is linked below, and will be in each future weekly update.

The boat booking system now restricts Black Boat booking only to the approved members.  The system has been designed to only allow you to book boats you have been approved to row.  This will make it easier to know if you can row the boat or need to discuss with the Club Captain.

If the Black Boat you are allocated to is out of action, please contact Brad, Luke or Fran asap to be allocated another boat to continue your training.

Please note all senior members need to be in the booking system to be considered for Black Boat use.  Applications for Black Boat use will not be approved unless the rowers are currently part of the booking system.

Should you have any questions please contact Brad, Luke or Fran.

Black Boat Approved Crews

Black Boats Application Form