
2019 Australian Masters National Championships:

Published Fri 31 May 2019

By all accounts, the weather was amazing and the rowing seriously competitive last week at the AMRC at the Champion Lakes regatta centre in Perth.  Glebe was well represented by Jackie, Heidi, Mike, Daren, Ken, Phil and Sammy, with plenty of bling making its way back across the Nullabor.  Mike, Daren and Ken represented NSW in the Men's Interstate masters 8+, which came 3rd in a close-fought race, with less than 1 second separating 1st (Qld) and 2nd (SA), and then NSW 3 seconds back, getting over the line 0.21 ahead of Victoria - well done to NSW.  In other Glebe results, Jackie got bronze in the WB1x and other medals were won in composite crews by Jackie, Heidi, Daren, Ken and Sammy.  Well done to all those who made the trip across and competed!

Results for Glebe are here: