
Gippsland Water Dragons Dragon Boat Club Inc


Gippy Gallivant 2022

Published Mon 30 Aug 2021

Gippy Gallivant was a huge success in 2021 and will be held again Feb 5th, 2022. 


A fun social dragon boat paddle and picnic in beautiful Gippsland. Enjoy dressing up, eating well, making friends and laughing lots.

A gentle social paddle along the Thompson River stopping at the historic Swing Bridge for a scrumptious picnic lunch. Enjoy a special viewing of the opening of the Swing Bridge then back to Port to enjoy afternoon tea at the Port. Later that evening we will all congregate at a local venue for dinner. Non paddlers can join us for all meals by purchasing a separate Gippy Gallivant meals ticket.

This years theme: nautical (pirates, sailors, Titanic, Nemo, mermaids, vikings etc)

Places are limited so book early through Eventbrite. https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/gippy-gallivant-tickets-206980533347?aff=ebdssbdestsearch

Dragon Pass holders can attend.

Full refund will be available if the event is cancelled or a participant cannot attend due to illness etc.

Sponsored by Wellington Shire and Chalmer Real Estate.