
Weekend Updates

Published Sun 19 Mar 2017

Saturday 8th April - news to come


Saturday 1st April

  1. 1st grade vs Figderra Won 3-0. A good win and the girls came through in the 2nd half with good combinations.  Well played girls
  2. 3rd grade vs Figderra. 6-1 win and in much better conditions. Great result
  3. U15 vs Albion Park Green 9-1. We welcomed the 2 youngest Gerringong girls into the team, Ruby and Jaz. Seems to have made all the difference. Excellent result

Saturday 25 March 2017

  1. 1st grade vs Railway Greys Lost 2-0. A challenging first start to the season for our team. Well done Railway. 
  2. 3rd grade vs Rail Red. Played in a swimming pool and came away with a 1-0 win. Well done girls under tough conditions
  3. U15 vs Dapto 5-0 win and have started the season on a well deserved win. We welcomed our new recruit Phoebe Clarke.



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