
Geraldton Water Polo Association


Junior Sub-Committee AGM

Published Tue 16 Aug 2022

The Junior Member Group would like to formally invite the GWPA committee, members, and the public to the Junior Sub-Committee AGM

Date: Monday 29 August 2022

Time: 6.30pm to 6.55pm

Venue: Geraldton Aquarena Cafe

Positions that are available are:

  • President

  • Vice President

  • Secretary

  • Treasurer

  • Public Representative (Non Water Polo Member)

  • Competition Coordinator

  • NPP Representative (Northern Pathways Program)

  • Junior Representative

  • Flippa Ball Representative

  • Dolphin Ball Representative

  • Junior Development Officer

Please contact Julia Gourley ( gwpajuniors@gmail.com ) for any queries relating to the above.


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