
Geraldton Water Polo Association



Published Mon 01 Aug 2022

The AGM was held on 26th July and the following are the office bearers for the 2022/23 season.

President - Anouska Barnes - presidentgwpa@gmail.com

Vice President - Russell McKinnon - mckmedia@iinet.net.au

Secretary - Rianna Pension - secretarygwpa@gmail.com

Treasurer/Registrar - Rick Giles - r.giles@wn.com.au

Public Relations - Julia Gourley - julia.gourley7@gmail.com

Many thanks to Rianna for her great job as outgoing President and also Narelle for her great work on the exceutive over rmany years. 

A Junior Sub-Committee is being formed which will focus on the junior competitions with the aim to send 4 teams to the Australian Youth Championships being held in Perth in 2023.

Now is this time for the clubs to have their AGM's, contact past and prospective players to establish team numbers so the season can be properly planned.

The uncertainty of the opening of the outside pool will have a huge effect on the upcoming season planning, so the earlier the committee know team numbers the better !  

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